Check out this sexy shirt:
You want my shirt. Admit it. Even if you are a big Republican, you still want this genius, high-quality garment.
Hate me?
That was such a Calvin Klein commercial. It was what I was shooting for.
Weekend was good, did absolutely nothing Friday and Saturday, but did watch Absolutely Fabulous last night. Toooooooo funny. I am starting to want to be British. I highly recommend watching this show. Will knock your socks off!
I also helped my good friend Michelle celebrate her big 19th birthday. This is Michelle, Amanda, and I pre-party:
For Michelle's birthday we went to the casino to eat (more like gorge) and were gluttons. The food was ridiculous. The amount of food I ate was ridiculous. Miss Feilds said it right when she made the astute observation of, "We are so American... 'Let's eat all of the food we can'" She said the last part in a gruffy voice that made me laugh.
Did homework this morning and I am taking my break. Trying to get ahead again. Can't help it, I have OCD.
On an ending note, my mom said something to me last night over the phone that was too good not to mention. I told her I was going out to eat and she responded with this:
"Don't dress like you're rich because you will get mugged."
My mother is wonderful
Peace ya'll