Jul 15, 2006 17:16
I don't even remember when I last updated here....
It's strange, the fact that I haven't deleted this journal yet....I think I wold have deleted it if it weren't for Willow.
For her mainly I will refresh my life to the last moment I wrote, for I doubt any other user might remember me! (no hard feelings as it is normal)
I think I'll just spit out things as they come to mind without chronological order:
-My dad has been in the hospital for over a month now, he a light surgery that went wrong cause they didnt clean the wound well. apparently he could have died but im not sure as no one wanted to say anything clear to me.i've been going to the hospital everyday and I'm quite sick of it.I dont know how mch time he'll be there yet but there's nothing big to worry to about actually.
-I finish this school year quite well and am proud of myself.I dont feel such a slaggy jerk anymore!I only have two exams in september, maths, and physics/quem. I MIGHT achieve the maths one, im still working on it. Being in a spanish school has been fun, people are more open than in the french one in the uk and I've made many close friends.
-In september after the exams I will start art studies ("bachillerato artistico") and if the two years I'll be there go well, I'll go for languages studies, taking japanese. Having english, spanish, french and japanese will be a good start.
-I have a steady bf! (omg :P) we've been together for over 10 months and we're already thinking about kids and marriage (lol nuts) definitly prince charming.
-I've had bad days, and my depressive side has tried many times to come through but I've fought it off quite well, so all in all this has been a good year for me, and helpful in my personal growth.
-I'm looking for a new home ( i sound like an abandoned pet). As my life with my dad has been near to suicidal I've agreed with my mother I have to look for another place to stay. still looking.
-litlle facts: I pierced my nose :D next, the ears! (lol it should have been the other way around)
I have a lovely cat called Ayla
I am the proud owner of some lovely newrock boots :D *drool*
I'll leave more updating for later :)