Jul 17, 2005 13:02
Ok, so I always used to make fun of my friends who did the whole live journal thing. to me, it was like having your most inner thoughts viewed by all of America (and I’m not down with that). But, I’ve been reading a few of these lately and I’m in now :) first let me start off by saying that today's service in church was amazing as usual, but I’m so impressed with how my pastor (Mike Jones, who? Mike Jones!…I miss Appalachia by the way) can manage to take real situations, give Biblical advice for it, as well as managing to almost know the thoughts of his congregation. He spoke on doubting today. So basically, I’m going to steal what he said today and put it on here. Hebrews 11:1 says, “What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.” (NLT) I always thought that I was less of a Christian, or perhaps not a Christian because I have doubts. That’s so untrue! It’s not our doubts; it’s what we do with them. Even John the Baptist, when he was in jail, doubted Jesus, asking, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” Matthew 11:3 and that was the man who physically baptized our Lord!!! Frederick Buechner speaks on how we don’t want to doubt, yet if God made us without room for doubt, there would be no room for ourselves, therefore making us all robots. So in all this, we need to make a decision. One thing that impressed me this morning was Mike’s example of the difference between the words “decision” and “incision.” An incision is when someone actually cuts INTO you…a Decision is when we cut out other options, such as doubt. Sorry for this long, sermon sounding thing, but I just had to start writing. Expect more to come, and a lot of shallow moments to follow! Actually, I'm about to start complaining right now. I have 2 tests, as well as 2 ten page papers all due Wednesday. What kind of rubbish is that? Expect a lot of ranting and raving on this foolish matter...