((Ashton accidentally walked in on the restored Chizuru and the newly-female Naruto and discovered that they sleep shirtless when they're guys. Spatters of blood cover the page, and the handwriting's scribblier than usual.
At breakfast, Ashton's going to have Kleenex stuffed into his nose, be blushing bright scarlet, and still be apologizing.
The dragons will be so busy laughing at him (though their noses will be stuffed with Kleenex, too), that they won't notice Shigeru slipping his dragon-targeting plushie potion in their drinks until it's too late.
So they spend the rest of the day looking like this:
http://pics.livejournal.com/barrel_barrel/pic/0000c5cb/g1 They'll also be growling nasty things in extremely high-pitched voices and trying to bite Ashton with their squishy teeth.))