have you ever seen thirty inches of snow laying across the street from your lovely body? it seeps into your pants and covers your hands in sticky ice. perhaps the most adventurous aspect of the virginal white dust is that it tricks your frozen sockets into thinking the ground is even, so when you do in fact take what you think is a step on the sidewalk suddenly you are up to your waist into little white icees.
however, my goal here is not to steer individuals away from the boston common. rather to encourage the masses to crawl out from under their generic magazine purchased comforters and lure them into the negative wind chill. this is precisely what i accomplished with three additional bodies.
the four of us put on looming boots and itchy sweaters in preparation. we gazed out of the front entrance and witnessed a cascade of white flurries that refused my cigarette a lighting opportunity (so we lit them illegally in the building). freshly lit cigarette in hand we looked up. we were in a snow globe. so we decided to build what all mature students should build in the snow: a snow penis complete with hairy balls. and it was beautiful.