Talk about a CRAZY couple of days...

Oct 31, 2006 14:22

It all started last Thursday. I had actually gotten enough sleep for class that day (rare), and we were more than prepared for our performance project in Musicianship V (I was even a little excited). I was in a great mood - again, rare for the mornings.

So I walk outside, sit in my car, and yell, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" at the huge cracked mess that is half of my windshield. I decide it has to wait until after class (it was a group project, I couldn't fuck them over) and drive to school. After class, I'm standing around with Adam (Haritan, Meltdown drummer), Mark, Doc, and a few buddies, and Adam asks, "Did you see the news? Someone went around the South Side smashing windshields last night!" I reply, "Really? I didn't see the news, but guess who had their windshield fucked up?" Then Ken Karsh showed up, said, "That's normal, you gotta deal with it," and something about how the guy deserves congratulations and he's commendable (I fucking hate Ken with every fiber of my being, by the way). So I go home, and get a hold of my parents to let them know.

I called the police to report it, and they said you had to call 911 to report crimes. Lame - I probably fucked someone over who had an actual emergency. So they took my info and said the police would call me soon. Awesome. I was going to go and apply for jobs ('cause now I REALLY needed one - I was broke to begin with, and replacing a windshield is expensive), but I was waiting for the police to call first in case they needed to come to my house or something. My phone never rang. Then at about 10 PM, I get 5 voice mail messages. I had been getting phone calls all day, but it never rang, and I had no missed calls. Shit, now my phone wasn't working. There's a wasted day of shit I needed to do, and the crime went unreported.

The next day, my phone started working. Good. We'd been planning a Halloween party at my house for a while, and it rocked. 3.25 kegs kicked, six 12-packs, and a looot of liquor. It was fun, overall.

Saturday, we got some more vocals recorded for the upcoming Meltdown album. Exciting.

BUT, they were supposed to come and fix my windshield. I made the appointment on the site, and confirmed it when they called on Friday. But the guy called early Saturday morning, and I missed the call, so when I called him back at noon (the appointment was for any time between noon and five), he said I didn't get his call so he was on the way to another job. FUCK THAT.

So we rescheduled for Monday. Awesome. He shows up on Monday, and I'm pissed because my account was 200-something overdrawn... apparently the company had charged me for the service on Saturday even though he didn't show. APPARENTLY. This is where part 2 really begins:


The windshield guy claimed that there was no way they charged my account. So I call National City (my bank) and ask them where the two withdrawals (around 250 each) came from - thinking Mark cashed my rent check, and the one was the auto place. But they were for (never been there) and Office Max (never been there). There was also $60 for (never been there).

Bam. I am a victim of identity theft, just like on those lame commercials. Fuck.

So I had to write the guy a check for $224, 'cause he couldn't leave without being paid. Then I closed my account.

So I have a rent check, the windshield check, and the basic needs of life to pay for... and my account has been drained way into debt. I called my bank, and they seem like they're going to reimburse me. That's good. My landlord's being cool about it, and so is the auto glass company.

Andy realized how bad this sucks, so he bought me beers (obviously I couldn't buy them myself) and drank some with me. That was awesome of him. I told Jared what happened, and he said, "Man... that... that SUCKS! Do you need alcohol? I have a lot of liquor, I'll get you fucked up!" I laughed, but told him I couldn't get fucked up because I had to play.

Then my phone stopped receiving calls again!

Oh, then we played at Roboto and only like 10 people were there. Fuck. I shouldn't just got tanked with Jared's liquor.

Also, I'm not going to be able to get up to Butler for Kevin's Halloween party. Whoops.

And I don't even have a way to pay for booze at the party down the street tonight. Fuck me sideways.

AND I did terrible on the Renaissance test for Music History.

Just... shit. Fuck.
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