With the Quickness

Apr 27, 2007 03:54

Moving out of this apartment is going to be tough- not physically so much, but in a *tear* kinda way. I'm going to miss this place a lot, but it represents a bad year. Partly because Michelle and I hung out here a lot, and partly because I became complacent here. I got El Paso Syndrome here really bad.

I don't know for sure how I'm going to spend the next 3 months or so, but this much, thus far, is certain: I'll be crashing with Kristen (awesome!) and Evette (very not awesome!) for at least a week or two. For the most part, I'm not thrilled about this, but the amount of cash this is going to free up is just the pick-me-up I need to start the summer.

The apartment is tiny- smaller than the place I'm leaving, and it's a 2 bedroom. Ouch. It's also trashed; the last tenant and the landlord had a bit of a blowout, so he basically told her 'get the fuck out', and she did. She didn't clean at all, and it looks like it's been empty a long time.

The oven still has chunks of old food. I've scrubbed out the bathtub twice, and it's finally starting to turn white again. There's stuff from the old tenant everywhere- a few kitchen utensils, soap at the sink, etc.

We've been cleaning and painting for two days now, and the place is starting to come together- if only there was a rug to tie it all together.

Kristen and I were there tonight, alone for the most part. Now, the prospect of living with an ex is not one I'd normally jump at, but given that I haven't dated a girl in about 5 years, and that Kristen was about 3 girls before that, well... she and I are ancient history to say the least.

She and I have hung out quite a bit, especially since we found each other on MySpace. But most of the hanging out we've done has been in bars, drunk. Or after bars, at someplace like Village Inn, drunk. It's a strange dynamic.

But it's one that works. I don't imagine there's any chance of us getting back together anytime soon, and I don't think I'd take it if did, so don't think that's what I'm getting at here. I'm not trying to imply anything more than what it is: two old friends hanging out again. A couple of people that dated in high school and are now in college, one doing the other a favor.

What's funny about it, though, is that it still works. We've walked very different paths, we've grown into two totally different people, but still, I can see why we had so much fun when we dated. Our conversations are, for lack of a better word, fun. We laugh constantly. There's just something deep down about our two personalities that operate on the same wavelength or something.

I'm not sure how to explain it. We're able to speak candidly, and we don't have to talk about bullshit. We can comfortably share silence. She appreciates my 'manish' ways, and lets me do what I do. And not just lifting heavy things, either. She appreciates the fact that I do some gentlemanly things- I open doors, carry groceries, investigate scary noises, that sort of thing. These are the things Michelle (and many others) have given me a hard time for doing; they think I'm trying to be sexist or something.

Even better: No matter how small it is, even if it's the 50th door I've opened that day, she says thank you every time. Wow. Manners. Who knew they still existed?

When I was 19, she was the kind of person I could see myself still knowing (and liking) at 29. At 26, I can see us still being friends at 36.

I love Tiffany to death, but honestly, she keeps me around for the same reason I keep Adrian around- she thinks I'm a laugh. My antics amuse her, she likes to hear my take on things, but at the end of the day, she doesn't invite me to go anywhere or do anything her 'real' friends do.

Kristen, on the other hand, though she may be shallow and very 'princess', constantly invites me out. Anytime there's a party she wants to go to, or a concert, or whatever, she at least sends me a text.

Also, to be realistic and answer the question I know is burning in Scott's brain, I have a far better chance at banging Kristen than Tiffany (although that chance is slim, and I'm not banking on it or trying for it in either case, for the record).

I don't know what I'm trying to say here. I guess the point is, in a year or two, my usefulness to Tiffany will run out, as will our friendship. I'll think no ill of her, and I'll have a few good stories out of it.

On the other hand, Kristen and I will be friends a lot longer than that.
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