Jun 29, 2005 08:07
So one of Scott's employees called at 6:30 this morning. His wife was pregnant and due next week so we thought that he was calling to let us know that they were heading to the hospital. Instead, he called to let us know that they had had a healthy 8lb 9oz baby boy around 4:05 yesterday afternoon.
Delivered by a policeman in the hallway of their house!!!! OMG! Can you just imagine?!
I guess that they had gone to the hospital earlier and after three hours of waiting the Dr. saw her and then sent her home. She called the Dr. back a couple of hours later and he still told her that the contractions weren't close enough and not to come in. At 3:30 she told her DH that they weren't going to make it to the hospital. The policeman arrived at about 3:50 and by 4:05 the baby was there.