Philosophical hoo-dads

Apr 20, 2005 08:34

I've been thinking about hosting a forum on AIM chat regarding philosophy. The topic will be "What is intelligence?", and I expect all those participating to keep a respectful. professional manner in their speech at all times. Depending on the reaction, I hope to have about 5-10 people involved. If it goes well, I may host others.

For the date and time, I am leaning toward sometime towards the end of May, after APs/SATs and before finals. The discussion may go on for some time, so there is no expectation everyone participating to be there every minute, but an effort should be made to be there for as much as possible. The discussion will go on after anyone's left, etc.

And I'll also post the discussion here for all to mock.

If you are interested in doing this, just leave a comment on this with some way for me to contact you once I decide the panel and date.
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