Dec 20, 2012 19:47
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] me3600x - g0/25 ?!
> Any idea why I see an interface g0/25 on my me3600x? this may be following
> the ios upgrade to 15.3(1)S
> There are only 24 physical sfp interfaces on this box
Happens when you insert SFPs in the SFP+ interfaces. Only way to get rid of them is a reboot.
PS: хе, всё ещё круче, чем предполагалось:
- Rebooted.....still there.
- Tried to conf int g0/ message that I can't remove hardware int
- Downloaded nvram:startup-config....removed g0/25 from ascii file....uploaded startup-config to nvram...verified g0/25 wasn't in there....reloaded....guess what, g0/25 is not in startup config even after
reload, but g0/25 is in running config. Also... conf t, int g0/? Shows options 1-25