I read an entry from one of my friends about a "dirty" song he could not get all the way through.
It is a song I don't consider nearly as bad as he does. I mentioned one I think is worse, but not as bad as I have heard. Another person chimed in and said neither of them were bad, but this other song was. It was a song I learned from my Dad (we do so love him) and I don't consider it nearly as bad as either one.
and as for the word offensive, consensual sex does not seem nearly so offensive to me as any kind of hate.
Apparently we all consider different things dirty and offensive.
I started learning dirty songs at the age of 13. It is a life changing age in Jewish tradition and my father could not wait for me to be old enough to share all the songs he knows. I don't sing Barnicle Bill in front of
mittenydoom and I try not to sing anything I think will mortify her. I will listen to the chorus and possibly the first verse before deciding a song is too much for me. "I found a dead whore by the roadside" might be the grossest one.
so here is a list of questions for a rainy Friday.
1. What songs are too dirty to sing in front of most children?
2. When did you learn your first dirty song?
3. What songs are too dirty to be sung in mixed company? (yes, this question was inspired by my dad).
4. Are there songs too dirty to be sung in front of you?
Please don't post lyrics (links are welcome though).
I will post my answers too.