Dec 22, 2006 17:38
I bought pants from Banana Republic on clearance for $18 today. They are a size 0. I had no idea Banana Republic pants ran so big, but damn does it feel nice to have a size 0, which I haven't been since before high school, in my closet again.
I'll be leaving in about a half-hour to go to the Spielman Christmas Party, which promises to be exciting. On the agenda: Scattergories, lots of food-eatin', and a karaoke tournament. Expect a generous picture upload within the next few days.
P.S. I just discovered Panera pizza with Nick after work last night, and it's the best pizza I've ever had in my life. Remarkably better than Cafe Del Sol.
P.P.S. Everyone is posting their grades for this semester, and I'm growing increasingly impatient because I don't get mine until after January 2nd.