Aug 30, 2005 22:22
I've previously mentioned the roundabout relationship between Deborah, my co-sound designer at Deep Dish, and Jane, my ex-girlfriend, so i won't repeat it save to mention that i was working with Deborah again and it's still quite odd.
At opening night Deborah introduced me to a few people, one of whom was Jay, a local actor. He was quite familiar looking, but i couldn't quite place it. Halfway through act one i recalled that he was the assistant director back when i was a councelor for the ArtsCenter's summer camp, about ten years ago.
Gene, the lighting designer from the previous show who is determined to tell me how to live my life, runs the grill at the golf course that my father frequents. This same golf course is apparently managed (? can't quite recall exactly) by Devra, our propsmistress's, father-in-law.
Liam, college friend from Asheville, wrote a meme a few weeks back. A few days ago it popped up in Sarah's journal. Sarah being my roommate and friend from high school who has (as far as i know) never met a single one of my friends from Asheville.
Went to see Thunderball at the museum in downtown Raleigh the other night with various peoples. Before they rolled film they thanked their projectionist, somebody or another, and their intern, Brian Santana, friend from college. So i hunted him down at some point during the movie and we caught up a bit.
Jane, see above, is working at a library and informs me that the world of librarians is fairly small as well, and a good half the staff knows my mother, who works for the UNC School of Information and Library Sciences. We'll also note here that working the front desk there these days is Lara, band geek and friend from high school.