Ok, morning-ish.
Ok, Early Afternoon, if you're gonna be picky about it. My ISP was giving me fits last night, so it's somewhat delayed...
On a separate note, I'm considering serializing the chronicle of Engurrand de Monstrelet, as well. For those not incredibly familiar with medieval chroniclers, Monstrelet takes up when Froissart leaves off, in 1400. Probably as the Wednesday Morning Chronicle. Would there be any interest in that, among my Froissartian followers? Let me know, please.
In any case, back to the matter at hand...
Chapter 97
In which, possibly amongst other things...
The duke of Normandy brings an army into Brittany...
With a large party of notable noblemen...
The English get into a tizzy...
Edward III shifts some troops around.
Full text & audio
here Bonus Chronicle:
1388 Go! Read (or listen to...) Chronicles!
* * *
As always, back issues can be had at:
http://www.maisonstclaire.org/resources/chronicles/froissart/froissartschronicle.html And the full chronicle selection at:
http://www.maisonstclaire.org/resources/chronicles/chronicles.html And also as always, my profound thanks to my man Jonathan for the proofreading help.