Новый Мировой Порядок

Apr 29, 2014 14:04

Ребят простите за большой текст, мыслям тесно. Я полагаю это позитивный текст, серьёзно!

То что происходит на Украине это репетиция, проба пера. Нации не воевали 60 лет, всё заржавело.

Появление Интернета открыло человечеству новый информационный век, люди стали больше знать друг о друге. Если сравнить информационный поток мой и моей мамы, ( Read more... )

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baron_myx May 2 2014, 13:09:01 UTC
The principle alpha male simple. There should be only one controlling everything!

The principle of new leaders. On the life and growth of the missing, and wonderful. Can Brin, Sergey Mikhailovich using Google to organize the conflict?
Will he do it?
And the meaning...the number of golopolosova to increase? Making them wet each other?

Genuine democracy. Not a screen with two parties, as in the US, not pseudodemocracy as in Russia. But a real, live, do not bother to live". Before the compromise was harmful. A compromise was just delayed the conflict. People didn't know each other.
Now people were the information closer and a compromise was useful. And if you will agree not, then it is possible to arrange a Boxing match, as did the owners of the two airlines in the USA. Fewer barriers between people.

There is such a principle, if you took hostage it is desirable to give your name the aggressor and try to find out his name.
You know why?
Because shoot the man of whom you only know the name...much more difficult. Just tell your opponent your name, increases your chance to survive. Thy name, a drop of information about you, saves you. Realize that?


baron_myx May 2 2014, 13:09:36 UTC
What will be the result?

I have no idea. But will stifle! To reduce infopotok, to agitate that the real life and fellowship only in the real world, to introduce laws and prohibitions, to compromise, to put barriers. The global elite are all for it...but one TIME! Aging is inevitable. There is such a stupid movie, I forgot the name. There is the sense of the world of the future, is the fact that instead of money - the time of life. 1 minute - Cup of tea. All of 25, all is well. But life time is limited. The rich live hundreds of years, and the poor die to 30. It is something like the world elite sees as the future. Ideal future. Controlled the future. Something similar plan.
Before crowds of hamsters were killing each other for food, for gold, for the idea, for the money...for the heads of the crowd. Now hamsters are smarter, and move the crowds in the comfortable office complex.
Hamsters began to ask questions.
Hamsters do not want to crowd them enough interest groups. Hamsters do not want to kill their own kind for the "heads-patriots", while the children who live, study and work at the potential enemy. And if some want, then go to them and the road.

Before the world was limited by your village, your family, some friends, dozens of friends and a few hundred people a name that you know, or just seen.
The information age is incredibly expanded horizons...and it turned out that the world is huge.
What a piece of bread to fight not necessary, it is necessary simply to grow the most.
That there is room for everyone.
What to get along with your neighbors just enough to talk personally.
That the enemy on which to me indicated with the order to kill the same guy like you and not terrible.
That I can live without labor feats, enough to develop myself and to do not so great efforts as the peasants of the 15th century.
We thousand years were in par some trash about the evil environment.
What lies in the coffin for the ambitions of another aristocrat, is optional.
What can live in peace, to raise children, to love and to be old enough to choose the correct society that doesn't fit in your bed, in your plans, your life, when not asked. Provided that you do not meddle in the lives of others. And if you climb it is not necessary to fight. Just create a society "Group climbing in private life" and tusica with her., as trolls on Lurkomore)

Humanity needs were alpha males/invaders, to master the planet. Now they are not needed. They start to understand that you die...and I really want to live.
Humanity needs new leaders to save the planet, and exit the cradle of mother Earth. It is a necessity of life, the environment is deteriorating and it is necessary to change the quantity to quality. And for this you need brains and desire.

The number of people turns into quality people!

Personal qualities, talents, capabilities mean more. You can have a lot of money, but if you're untalented jerk..well, you POSITRONICA, to be more precise with your money.

We stand on the threshold of a new era, and one day our grandchildren will compose about us legends. But a lot of hard work that these grandchildren appeared. World elite such grandchildren are not needed, they will try to develop robotics.

Again I apologize for the great text for the links, references, ...Ladushki finish.

Finish naive and stupid, sorry. Soon the morning.


baron_myx May 2 2014, 13:09:47 UTC
I think the aliens are!
They just do not want to communicate with us, because our representatives, that is present elite...brainless. She will want to check aliens and to stir up any conflict. It even films clear where one good green man, a hundred bad.
You would have to work/interact with a crowd of monkeys nuclear armed missiles, and the highest representatives of this crowd, who themselves delegated to communicate, strange person who thought of themselves as omnipotent?

But every day monkeys becoming smaller, and more and more people. As long as there's nothing... there is only TIME. And the monkeys it ends...

Try Chronograph, there is a Zen. Yes, and if it is advertising that, but you can not try. This is the true choice.
But you must be careful, as some are born interesting thoughts and hefty texts...or Vice versa!

Calm morning guys, thank you that you have. I can't imagine. But expressed...and somehow it became easier. Sorry that was downloaded(((
When the case load for me)))


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