Religion versus evolution? I don't think so.

May 28, 2012 01:14

I just saw a news piece concerning a speech made by Dr. Richard Leakey. One statement he made was that he believes that people would stop denying the existence of evolution in the next few decades. It seems that this statement was based in the increasing quality and volume of information being uncovered about who we are and where we came from.

In responses to the article I saw some flame wars starting that began with the common arguments that "only atheists believe in evolution" and "only religious fanatics deny it."

This was my response:
There are religious believers, of many faiths, who use the scientific method and recognize the revelations provided through astronomy, physics, geology, and biology as evidence of both a changing and evolving universe and of a divine force that is truly greater than the perceptions of mere humans can comprehend.

There are other people who claim to believe in a divine power and use their belief to deny the validity of science in all forms. These people can not conceive of a divinity that is more perceptive or powerful than they are.

Religion isn't the problem. The problem is humans who have no faith in themselves, and who refuse to admit that anyone else, human or divine, might ask them to perform the impossible feat of changing their minds.

evolution, religion

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