The hardest phone call

Feb 20, 2012 13:02

This morning I phoned the vet's office. Based on the vet's schedule, he will come here between noon and one tomorrow to give Rico the only help that is still available.

Rico has been up and down through the weekend. He cheered up after several feedings of chicken, which he adores more than anything (except, of course, more chicken). He has always preferred to drink moving water from the sink than any water that has been in a bowl, and as recently as nine this morning he is still managing to do that. It is increasingly difficult to tempt him to eat more than a bite of anything we've offered in the last day. He's been doing a good job of using the box to pass all the water he's drinking, but that's all that's gone through in a number of days.

In addition, his eyes have been weeping and rheumy, and he seems to have trouble seeing from one. It's hard to see their beautiful green color now, because the pupils are so wide. He's begun acting as though he doesn't feel well, and doesn't want to be touched. Yesterday he was taking pleasure from neck scritches, and Editrx provided those in abundance. We also got minimal, gentle nose touches and head butts, and we treasured them.

Josh, the junior Abyssinian, keeps checking on Rico. While Editrx was napping with Rico yesterday Josh joined in quietly, and I found the two boys curled up being paisley cats, touching each other, behind Editrx's knees. Josh is almost five, and has never been an only Aby. We hope he won't take it out on the other cats.

Please, wish us all well as we try to help him.

rico, cancer, grieving, cat, death

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