Carrying "First in the Nation" a Bit Too Far?

Jul 30, 2010 10:15

Sometime in the last two days someone living on a main road about half a mile from us put up a large (4' by 8') sign for Huckabee. Yes, I'm posting this on July 30 of the year Two Thousand Ten!

While it isn't for Palin, it is still a strong indication the Republican message of "returning to the strong America of the past" is being listened to by people who are unable to figure out that the last three Republican administrations have all done incalculable damage to the American economy and to the county's standing in the world. I would be ecstatic if there was a Republican candidate out there who actually had ideas that supported the buzz words the party uses so freely. So far, every single one of the anointed front runners for 2012 is continuing the litany of cutting taxes (at least for the rich), letting big business do anything it wants, and upholding strong family values.

On that last: Why is Sarah Palin the great crusader for those strong family values? I'm not pointing a finger at her daughter for having a baby. I am pointing a finger at (then) Governor and Mr. Palin for letting the kid with whom their daughter became pregnant come to live with them as soon as the two started dating. Is the abstinence-only sex education they espouse so terrific that they'll invite every prospective boy- or girlfriend of their other kids to come live with them as well? Those are some great family values if you want to live in a multi-generational home with a lot of grandchildren.

Hey, the Republicans have made it clear. Serial divorces, children born out of wedlock, cheating on spouses: these are all good family values. Allowing marriage between devoted couples who happen to be of the same gender means that the God of the Republicans shall smite everyone (well, except for really good Republicans) with natural disasters, the moral basis of this Great Nation will be lost, and the few survivors who remember what real morality is will be forced to watch the rest of the world collapse into a writhing mass of sodomy, gomorrahmy (whatever it was, it got them destroyed too, right?), and bestiality.

Then again, some of these same Republicans--who are so proud of the past glories of this country and of how wonderful it could be if only there weren't those pesky immigrants, or illegals, or minorities, or people who aren't just the right kind of Baptist, or poor people, or sick people, or handicapped people, or "queer" people (because two guys kissing is disgusting, while two girls kissing is rather hot), or "liberals" (which now seems to mean anyone who isn't wearing a flag pin and espousing the correct party line), or god-damned Democrats messing things up for them--these are the ones who are talking about secession from the Union and armed rebellion against the government of this country. But they aren't talking treason, nosirree Bob! They're talking about "true patriots" rescuing the country. Not one of them sees the incongruity in the fact that if they, or anyone else, had spoken that line between 2001 and 2008, they'd have been jailed within seconds. The evil dictator they want to save Real 'Murricans from has failed to take away their weapons and allowed them the right of free speech: see how evil he and his works are?

Way back, when I was young, the Republicans offered some good ideas, and ran politicians for office who really seemed to believe in the positive elements of what those ideas represented. Some of those ideas are still used as buzzwords by the Republicans, but aspiration toward following them only shows up in the Democratic party.

I may consider voting for a Republican candidate again. First I need to find one who has taken their head out of their fundament for long enough to realize that the whole world isn't supposed to look and smell that way.

palin, family values, huckabee, 2012, republicans, election

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