Happy new year, folks! I totally forgot about this yesterday, which is a good thing because I would have been fretting about being revealed myself, but not I get to say that I absolutely lucked out my first yuletide.
Ione wrote me an epic alternate ending to Mansfield Park, the Austen novel with which I have always been perhaps least satisfied. It is lovely and believable and exactly what I was hoping to get -- believing all the while that this was an unreasonable thing to imagine any Yuletide author might write.
Mansfield End (38569 words) by
IoneChapters: 1/1
Mansfield Park - Jane AustenRating: Not Rated
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Henry Crawford/Fanny Price
Characters: Henry Crawford, The Bertram Household, Mary Crawford, William Price
An alternate ending to Mansfield Park, beginning with Book Three, Chapter XV
And then, the first fic I have posted on the internet since I had a Geocities Sailor Moon fan page (yes, that long), I wrote an Orphan Black story for
yahtzee, which is basically a long study of my (many) feelings about Paul and the entire lies-within-lies of his relationships with Beth, then Sarah-as-Beth, then Sarah. (Also my complex feelings about living with addiction):
Duplicity (6282 words) by
barometryChapters: 1/1
Orphan Black (TV)Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Paul Dierden/Sarah Manning, Beth Childs/Paul Dierden
Characters: Paul Dierden, Sarah Manning, Beth Childs
Additional Tags: Canonical Drug Use, Suicide
Beth was everything Paul had been led to expect. And then one day she was different.
This entry was originally posted at
http://barometry.dreamwidth.org/145701.html (