Urge to kill... rising.

May 03, 2004 18:39

Today was fun. Everyone tore apart Nelly, for good reason though. She barges in to the office yelling "I have this great story!" followed by "someone is trying to kill me!" Or so was the gist of what I heard. Amity attempted to calm her down, insisting that no one needed to hear it. After she didn't stop Amity threw her out for being too loud. She left. Five minutes later, "She's going to kill me!"

Gameboy was in the office at the time and after hearing a few minutes of this he appropriately exploded and told her to shut up. "BUT SHES GOING TO KILL ME!" No she isn't, and nobody cares! "No one cares if I die!"

I was amazed by Brenden, he showed compunction and neither reinforced her nor put her down. Too many times I've seen people tear apart their former significants with little regard for the fact that they themselves thought otherwise prior to the separation. I have gained some respect for Brenden. For all the crap dished to him (some with good reason, though) he has never talked down anyone before, even if that person is not present. I admire that. I'm getting off topic.

She continued, with resolve, to pester everyone. Amity, thinking on our club rules, attempted to get her out by lack of attendance to our regular meetings. Unfortunately this didn't work because she had actually been to one the week before. I think after that she left for good to be killed at the wrath of person b. We were all pleased with her absence, myself included. Kris held his wrath with much resolve. He knew that shutting her up meant she had to spill it and be done. I, trying not to go flying in to the fray, attempted to ignore while at the same time mitigate the conflict. I then quickly gave up and watched anime. So much for effort. I try to give people benefit of the doubt, but some people just ask for it.

P.S. Sony is an exception. They are always evil. EVIL! Grandpa, you said that about every corporate conglomerate. I know, I just wanted attention.
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