(no subject)

Feb 23, 2004 22:37

haha...Okay so I fixed up Jess's journal. And I was oh so sneak about it, as usual, of course. lmao...see:

HearMyEmoRoar (10:30:10 PM): hi
HearMyEmoRoar (10:30:11 PM): lol
HearMyEmoRoar (10:30:15 PM): what re you doing?
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:30:23 PM): nothing
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:30:24 PM): you?
HearMyEmoRoar (10:30:29 PM): lol
HearMyEmoRoar (10:30:32 PM): oh you're doing osmehting
HearMyEmoRoar (10:30:35 PM): you know why?
HearMyEmoRoar (10:30:42 PM): bc when i refreshed your lj it was DIFFERENT
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:30:46 PM): lmao
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:30:50 PM): OH RIGHT
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:30:51 PM): that.

lmao...see I knew bc when i was loading the pic it said it was full and it wasn't when i went into the pictures area. haha...

this is the second time i'm doing this entry bc my computer is RETARDED

she's going to catch me when she posts on my el jay...i know it. and the funny thing is...i was stupid enough to TELL her to read my journal as a distraction BUT NO that was a stupid idea. lmao...wow.


don't kill me for this >.<

haha...just keep in mind, i love you

oh man, I just got busted:

x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:36:25 PM): whats your last entry
HearMyEmoRoar (10:37:17 PM): lol...the one about matt?
HearMyEmoRoar (10:37:31 PM): lmao, i love you
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:38:01 PM): lol
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:38:04 PM): I READ THAT ONE!
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:39:30 PM): OMG
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:39:32 PM): THE ICON
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:39:33 PM): I LOVE YOU
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:39:36 PM): ladkfh;ldskvl;fdhglhbf
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:39:37 PM): UVHdlkjkrwg
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:40:03 PM): lmao
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:40:09 PM): that scared the shit out of me.
HearMyEmoRoar (10:40:10 PM): askldjfasdkfl
HearMyEmoRoar (10:40:11 PM): DAMN YOU
HearMyEmoRoar (10:40:15 PM): you weren't suposed to know yet
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:40:22 PM): I posted and it showed up
x Ad0rKaBLe 88 (10:40:23 PM): lmao

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