FIC: Saturday

Feb 09, 2009 23:52

Title: Saturday
Rating: R, for language, sex and all the good things in life.
Summary: Robin takes Barney out shopping.
Note: This is part 8-10 of the Happy New Year 'verse which can be found on This story is an ensemble AU but uses canon references throughout season 4. I've given a summary below in case you'd rather only read this brotp section!
The story so far: Barney has been getting panic attacks for years and hides them from his friends until Lily finds out. Then on New Year's Day 2009, with Lily unavailable, Barney turns to Ted during a really bad attack and the whole thing comes out. Now his friends know, each of them have been trying to protect Barney from his own distructive behaviour - over-work, bimbos, heavy drinking, late nights. In this story, it's Robin's turn to lend a hand.
Fandom/Pairing: HIMYM, Barney/Robin
Word Count: 4,500

This story has been split up into three parts. Links below:-
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3


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