Himym Party TONGIHT!!!!!!

May 07, 2016 18:04

It's time to make some popcorn and put on your get psyched mixes guys! We have a party tonight!

The link to the livestream is here. There is no password, but if it asks you for one just click "ok" without entering anything and it should let you in.

As always feel free to tune in whenever, we will be playing music/blooper reels throughout the breaks. Everyone is welcome!

Note to members who have joined us before: the livestream provider seems to want people to verify their old accounts with a real email address, if this happens just make yourself a new account (you'll have to use a slightly different username) with a fake address and you should be fine again. (Message here or my tumblr if you have any troubleshooting issues)

Timetable is here, times are all in EST:

5.40 - Set Up
6:00 -The Duel
6:20 - Big Days
10 minute break
6:50 - The Fight
7:10 - Duel Citizenship
20 minute break
7:50 - The Leap
8:10 - Zip Zip Zip
10 minute break
8:40 - Natural History
9:00 - Glitter
10 minute break
9:30 - Miracles
9:50 - Sandcastles

Livestream setup

To chat on the livestream you must make an account (it looks like you can without but when you try and type something it won't show up), but thankfully you do not need to enter a real email address to do it (the username you enter is what will show up in chat, so you’ll probably want your lj/tumblr name).

w4yland has kindly made a simple tutorial:

Anyone who is still having trouble feel free to post here/message me at my tumblr and I’ll help.

just for fun

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