Title: "Your Devils and Your Deeds"
Author: Anna-Yes-Ma'am
Rating: Hard R (Language, sexual content)
Summary: A view of the finale that Ted Mosby didn't see and couldn't see, no matter how much the writing was on the wall. Spanning decades and continents, their story was never perfect and they were never perfect, but they were always right.
Characters/Pairings: Barney/Robin
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Author's Note: This came out of me way faster than I expected (and the quality may reflect that). But I was way more gutted by last night's finale than I anticipated, especially after having more or less given up on the show this year. This fic is sort of my way to deal, I guess. I know most fans want light-hearted erasure right now, but the way I need to handle closure is making sense of the finale as it stood. It won't be an easy task and it may not work for everyone, since I'm going to try to keep it as canon as possible (except for the absurd notion that Ted and Robin actually get back together.) So, my big point is that this particular story might be a bit more complicated than some of you may want right now (and I totally understand that!) and it definitely won't always paint Barney or Robin in the best, happiest light. However, I believe in them and I believe their fate deserved more than the writers gave them. This is my take on getting them their winding and flawed but ultimately happy ending.
Author's Note 2: There may be continuity issues with the finale because I don't want to rewatch. Just an FYI.
Your Devils and Your Deeds: Prologue