HIMYM Cast: My Favorite Episode Is...

Jan 27, 2014 22:02

[Spoiler (click to open)]

Josh Radnor (Ted)

''The Time Travelers'' (season 8, episode 20)

''I love that 'Time Travelers' episode, which ended with me and Neil singing 'For the Longest Time'. That was such a weird, interesting, sad episode. It was haunting and super hard to film, but it was great.''

Neil Patrick Harris (Barney)

''Girls Versus Suits'' (season 5, episode 12)

''I love that 100th-episode song-and-dance, in the 'Girls Versus Suits' episode. That was fun to film.''

Cobie Smulders (Robin)

''Slap Bet'' (season 2, episode 9)

''Any time Robin Sparkles is in an episode, I like it. Especially when we get to shoot music videos. ... My backup band are all crew members or writers, so I really like those. 'Let's Go to the Mall' has a special place in my heart just because it was the first one and it was an upbeat version and it was new territory, so that was a big one for me.''

Jason Segel (Marshall)

''Bad News'' (season 6, episode 13)

''I was very honored to get the arc where my father passes away. That was a really nice thing.''

Alyson Hannigan (Lilly)

''Three Days of Snow'' (season 4, episode 13)

''The moment when, at the airport, when [Jason Segel] comes in with the orchestra, that's forever in my heart. I was pregnant at the time too, so I was highly emotional. And then just to be surrounded by them, it was so lovely.''

Jason Segel adds: ''And I thought it was mine, so I was highly emotional. [Laughs] It was a very tense week.''

Craig Thomas (co-creator)

''Come On'' (season 1, episode 22)

''I love the finale of season 1, where Marshall's crying in the rain on the stoop, and Ted's at his highest. He got the girl, comes back, and sees that his best friend lost the girl, in the rain, crying, with a returned engagement ring in his hand. To me, that's like the essence of the show and why the show works, because it's life all happening at once. It's joy and it's sadness and it's reality. Marshall is in the worst moment of his life while Ted's at one of his highest points, and that's reality. And I always like to think that gave us the courage - especially the end of season 1 culminating with that episode - it gave us the courage to go dark sometimes on this show, to be introspective, to be emotional. I like to think that's why the show has succeeded as much as anything - as much as comedy or wackiness has succeeded even more so, because of a moment like that. That's always my touchstone moment. I was like, 'We're doing this right. We have to keep doing stuff like this.'''

Carter Bays (co-creator)

''How Your Mother Met Me'' (season 9, episode 16)

''This is going to be weird and it's going to sound like I'm calling my shots, but...the 200th episode, it's really something special. And so much of the credit goes to Cristin Milioti. She's fantastic, she's been fantastic this year. That's the one that's on my mind at the moment.''

Craig Thomas adds: ''I like Carter's episode better, because mine suggests we peaked at episode 22.''

Bob Saget (narrator)

''The Mermaid Theory'' (season 6, episode 11)

''There was one that I did in New York, because I was doing a play in New York, and it was like my favorite episode ever for me. I was like, 'Oh my God, I'm so heavy this week. This is crazy.' It was all narration. But they recorded it on a mic that my voice didn't sound right, and my voice was in a higher-pitch range. And people were going, 'Where's Bob's voice?' So that would have been my favorite.''


cobie smulders, interviews: tptb, season 5, season 4, season 6, neil patrick harris, season 2, season 8, interviews: cast, season 1, spoilers: season 9

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