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manda600 August 26 2013, 18:23:52 UTC
Well you specifically said Barney doesn't deserve a girl as wonderful as Nora. That is a direct attack against his character. You clearly don't seem to like him, and I'm just stating that I don't agree with that opinion.

Yes, Barney did cheat on Nora, after which he promptly told her and broke up with her because he realized it was wrong to continue in their relationship when he was in love with another woman. As for during the course of their actual dating, as I've just said in my above comment, I fully believe Nora treated him worse than he ever treated her. The only way I think he was bad to Nora directly was in 7.07 and wanting sex despite her injuries. But, hey, she goes ahead and does it, so I can't feel bad for her. She on the other hand spends her whole time dating him clearly disliking the man and trying to change him into a Ted. To me, that is worse behavior.

But the biggest question for me, and this isn't a personal attack but out of sheer curiosity: why are you even on this site, a B/R fan site dedicated to their coupling and a group of fans that love their characters individually and together as a couple, when you just stated that you like Nora's character much more than Robin and you have repeatedly said many things about how you dislike Barney? I can't help feeling that this isn't a good fit for you then. It would be like me going to a T/R fansite. I'm going to disagree with everything they say and get absolutely nowhere, unless I just want to troll (which I hate and would never do).


himymfan88 August 26 2013, 19:48:13 UTC
i'm sorry i don't have a perfect english but i never wanted to say that Barney was a monster,i only said that with Nora he was horrible,because simply they weren't good together,but i don't think we have to hate Nora for this,i don't agree with your opinion that she was bad with him...she rejected him so many times,but then she saw his determination to be with her..so,at the end she decided to give Barney a chance..went badly,for so many reasons,but i don't think Nora did something bad toward Barney...and he wasn't a terrible boyfriend after all,but simply he wasn't happy with Nora
-secondly,i never said that Barney and Robin are a horrible couple,or said that i hate them..i simply have a major vision of the show,i don't see only Barney and Robin's point of wiew,i try to understand and enjoy all the characters of the show,and i really think this is the only good website about how i met your mother in all the web,maybe only this and the "how i met your mother wiki"


manda600 August 26 2013, 20:32:46 UTC
Okay, maybe it's just a translation thing then because it came off (to me anyway) as if you've been saying you hate Barney and you hate Robin, and of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion but that's why I couldn't understand coming to a B/R fansite.


himymfan88 August 26 2013, 21:35:28 UTC
i simply don't understand why we should hate or demonize some characters only because they are outside love interests..i don't think that this is the meaning of the shipping...the story doesn't told us that Kevin or Nora was bad people,the story show us them like people who tried to stay with Barney and Robin,but their relationship failed,that's all,but everytime i see shippers who litterally hates the other characters outside Barney and Robin..Marshall and Lily are boring,Ted is the devil,Quinn is a bitch,Nora is a bad person,Kevin is a manipulative etc. i don't hate none of the Himym's characters,because is a sitcom and none of the characters doing devilish thing or similar..i feel like some people demonize all the things are not Barney and Robin related..but this is not the meaning of the shipping


himymfan88 August 26 2013, 21:41:54 UTC
so only because i don't do this,i should be a Barney-Robin's hater? absoultely not! i respect Barney-Robin,only because i don't idealize them that doesn't mean that i'm a hater,or a troll,or whatever


keve41182 August 26 2013, 21:53:08 UTC
I think maybe there's a language barrier here, but apart from Kevin, I don't think that anyone thinks the other characters are "bad people" just because they're outside love interests. Sometimes you can dislike "good" character and like "bad" characters (or simply dislike certain actions by characters and not hate the character himself or herself). That's why it's TV and not real life.

Additionally, I don't think anyone here thinks B/R are perfect characters and aren't deeply flawed; most people just think that they are right for each other. A lot of the discussions involve their individual character flaws and why they're messed up and all. And some of it is simply just a viewer imagination. There are tons of 'shipper websites for pretty much every show and every combination imaginable; canon and non-canon; that are going to see a particular story their own way and have "heroes" and "villains".

Basically -- this is just supposed to be a fun way of analyzing a couple on a TV show that everyone on this site likes. It's not that deep :-).


manda600 August 26 2013, 22:25:02 UTC
I think you're overgeneralizing in an unfair way (maybe it's a translation thing, I don't know). You can be a B/R shipper and dislike some of the outside love interest characters. There's nothing wrong with that. That's perfectly acceptable, as is being a B/R shipper and still liking the outside love interests. Everyone is free to have their own opinion. But it's an unfair attack to say that just because someone dislikes certain characters means they only feel that way because of their sheer existence as outside love interests. I think most people realize outside love interests have a place in writing (anyone who's ever watched a soap opera knows that!) and often bringing on an outside love interest means the heating up of the original pair and leads to them getting back together. When I first watched "Desperation Day" live, I didn't have a problem with them bringing on Nora. Ultimately I still wanted B/R to be together of course, but I knew it was too soon for that so I didn't see an issue with developing Barney's character a little through this means. It was only after the way they started writing Nora that caused me to dislike her. Same things holds true for Kevin. It's his behavior that makes me dislike him, not his very existence as a boyfriend for Robin. And I just hated everything about Quinn from day one. Her personality and actions is not someone I would gravitate towards or ever like. And it wouldn't have made a difference who these characters were dating. They could have been wholly unrelated to B/R and I would have had the same opinion (and for the record I don't have any problem with Nick, who Robin dated just as long as Kevin or as Barney was with Quinn).

Also I really don't see what someone disliking Ted or thinking Marshall and Lily are "boring" has to do with shipping. Those are two totally unrelated things. Someone can think Marshall and Lily are boring and also hate Barney and Robin together. Or someone can love Marshall and Lily as a whole but simply not like their behavior in a few select episodes. Calling out a character on behavior you don't like or find flawed doesn't mean you only want B/R and every other character must die. That, again, is an unfair assumption. There have been times on this show where every single character, Barney and Robin included, behaved in a way I didn't like or agree with. But that's what makes it interesting, because they are all flawed characters. I just happen to think some of them have more flaws than others. For example, Ted right now needs a lot of help. A lot. And many of his issues make me not like him right now, but I still don't find him as bad as Kevin because I feel like Ted isn't aware of the extent of his issues and what he's doing, whereas Kevin was. But none of that has anything to do with Barney and Robin. It has everything to do with the writing, so it's not a shipping issue at all and shouldn't be made into one. That would be like saying because you want Barney and Robin together (or even Ted and Robin together, because that's still a shippers point of view) you're not allowed to have an opinion on anything else, and that's simply not the case.


swarklesbro August 26 2013, 22:35:53 UTC
Well, i don't think i've ever read Marshall and Lily are boring or that Ted is the devil or Quinn is a bitch etc. There are just opinions about how a certain character acts and what he/she does in the show.
There are moments where i loved Ted, for example, but there are also moments where i literally can't stand him but that's not means that i love B/R and hate everyone else, because i found myself also mad at Barney and Robin as individual characters for some choice they've made. Same for Marshall, Lily, and every character that was in the show.

I don't know why it would be so bad having an antipathy for a character, btw. I've watched many tv series in my life and it happened that i found a specific character not funny, or interesting, or something like that. It's not a fault.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure everybody on this site loves the show in its whole and not just Barney and Robin.


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