(no subject)

Jul 09, 2005 03:36

Well, life huh. It's going good. I'm enjoying Dunedin. Just finished my first semester and passed everything so that's good. I'm in 3 bands down there. A ska band, a rock band and a hardcore band. I'm putting most of my time into the hardcore band, things are going well. The ska band is called Skafies, and the hardcore band is name Bleed Your Heart Out (rock band yet to be named). So yea. I've just came back for the holidays, I go back tomorrow. I don't know what else to say really, not in the posting mood. But I wanted to do it before I left. I will leave you with the first quiz I ever did on this live journal, with revised answers. And everyone comment and tell me what you're up to. Espically Natalie and Susan.


FIRST NAME: Andrew (yea well that hasn’t changed)
MIDDLE NAME: Peter (neither this)
LAST NAME: Barnes (or this)
NICKNAMES: Barnesy, Captin Yemen, Paul, Big B, Bugger Face (yea about the same, but you can ad emo to the list I suppose)
GENDER: ... Last time I looked I was male. But who knows in this crazy consumer drivin world (um yea, still male, what a stupid answer, clearly I was trying to sound cool)
AGE: 16, but I am soon to be 17 in mid January (19 now, turning 20 in January, that’s pretty old)
LIVING SITUATION: With my mum and my sis when she aint at uni. And at my dad's 1 week a month (live in Dunedin now, at Unicol, they happiest place on earth. Probably because of all the drinking, who knows)
SIBLINGS: 1 full blood sister, 1 step sister and 1 step brother (yea, the same)
Names: Zoe, Teniel, Amar (yep)
Ages: 20, 26, 28 (22, 28, 30, I think)


HEIGHT: 5'7 to 5'9 (havn’t grown, very worrying)
WEIGHT: About 90kg, Im ussually lighter but its christmas holidays, so I pack on the pounds. (about 100 now, ma)
HAIR COLOR: Bleech blonde hair with dark (like dark as possible) blonde re growth (short and black with huge chops, so not blonde anymore)
HAIR STYLE: Short and spikey, with the ocasional mo (just normal)
HAIR LENGTH: I don't know. Why don't I whip out my ruler I carry everywhere and see? (short, man I try to be funny)
EYE COLOR: Emerald Blue (yea emerald is green you dumb ass, just plain blue)
GLASSES OR CONTACTS: Nope, none of that. But I do have $10 NZ oakleys I got from a guy on the streets on NY (I now have $250 sun glasses, and I reading glasses, black thick rimmed)
FRECKLES: I don't belive so (I think I have a few)
STYLE: Doggy. Oh clothes? Um suits and shirts and stuff. (hahaha, oh funny, coming from a 16 year old virgin. I don’t think I ever actually wore suits. Now it’s just emo stuff)
RIGHTY/LEFTY: Both baby ;) (my god)
SHOE SIZE: 9 (yeah)


COLOR: Blue (yea, and black and grey and brown)
RELATIVE: ??? (yea still can’t really answer that)
TV SHOW: Meet My Folks is good. As is Mo Show and Havoc. And others. (My spelling was so bad, it’s not even good now. I gotta say Lost and Family Guy. And Scrubs)
CD: Shit that is an impossible question. There are so many. I love all my cd's but have no real favourite. But when i get a new one that is my favourite. So at the moment, "end is forever" by The*Ataris (not the ataris anymore, but yea, can’t answer that question, I’m listening to underoath if that helps)
MOVIE: Lots. Bring It On, The Replacements, Not Another Teen Movie, Empire Records, Dazed and Confused, Air Heads, movies like that you know (add High Fidelity, Donnie Darko, The Girl Next Door, Snatch and some others)
COMMERCIAL: Probally the one where the hot chick is hinting to the speights guy about some ball, and he give the ticket to his mate. That add cracks me up (don’t know)
BOOK: I don't read alot. But probally "Go Ask Alice" by some anomonus author. Its this journal from this chick that OD. It is really fucking good. (that was a good book. I’m enjoying trainspotting)
SONG: Another hard one. There are so many goodies. I.O.U One Galaxy by The*Ataris is bloody good. Two Princes by the Spin Doctors is a classic and is good. Thee are too many to name. So yea, alot of punk and ska songs are good. All my friends are metal heads by Less Than Jake is awesome. Oh shit, too many. (Probably Alexisonfire - Pulmonary Archery or The Who - Baba O’Riley)
BAND OR GROUP: Whats with these fucking hard questions? I'll name a few, The*Ataris, Frenzal Rhomb, Reel Big Fish, Sublime, H20, Pennywsie etc. (too many to add really, just put Alexisonfire on there, that’s the biggest)
FOOD: Pizza (yea man)
ANIMAL: Kittens. And such. I love animals. (yup)
SCHOOL SUBJECT: Drama (probably song writing, but I have some wicked papers for next semester)
BOY NAME: Perseus, Tybalt, Romeo, Effin, Dylan etc. (um, right. I like Nate)
FEELING: Happy (yea)
ICE CREAM: Cookies and Cream (yum)
VACATION PLACE: America, England, Italy, Greece. (I’ve been to all those places but Greece. I think I want to vacation in Italy, though once I learn Italian)
MUSIC: Punk, Ska. A bit of pop rock, here and there, and a little rap. Actually a little of everything. But 80% of my cd's are punk. I love punk. (Hadn’t discovered emo/hardcore at that point)
STORE: Hot Topic (probably Real Groovy now)
NUMBER: 13 (no idea)
SODA: Vanilla Coke. I first had it in America in June 2002, before it came to NZ. I loved it then, and I love it now!!!!! (yea it’s still good)
GUM: Juicy Fruit (why not)
WEATHER: Overcast and windy. But no rain, and not too much wind. (yea still cool)
ACTORS: I dont know, I have many. Sir Lawrence Olivaray is a classic. And Shaun Conery. (lol, I was so faking through that. I like Edward Norton quite a bit, and Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt has some stunning roles (i.e. fight club, snatch) and some more I can’t remember)
ACTRESSES: Kirsten Dunst and Rese Weatherspoon. But just because there hot. (I suppose. Elisha Cuthbert is awesome, and Jenna Malone)

---Do you---

GET MOTION SICKNESS?: Occasionally, But not often (lol, oh the personal joke)
HAVE A BAD HABIT?: Probally, but you will have to ask other people. (I can be very mean and selfish a lot)
GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: Yea pretty much (not with mum at the moment)
SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL?: Yes, my teddy bear Romeo which I won in America. And don't laugh at me. (I left Romeo in Paris, so I sleep alone. I bet he’s having great adventures!)
LIKE TO DRIVE?: Probally, not that I can. (still can’t, should probably get onto that)
TYPE WITH FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS?: No, I aced typing but I type with 2 fingers. Its faster for me. (yea)
DRINK?: Im 16 and live in Hawkes Bay. Of course I drink!!!! (try hard. But yea, still drink)
SMOKE?: Yep. But not much any more. (Yea still smoking, not right now though because I have an epic cough)
ANY OTHER DRUGS?: Weed on ocasion and mushys from time to time. And nutmeg is fun, its like speed, lol. (I’ve never done mushys or nutmeg in my life. Man what a liar. But yea still doing weed. Contemplating e and acid)
KNOW ANYONE WHO DRINKS UNDERAGE: Me and most of my friends. (yea I have some friends that do. I'm legal now, and so are most of my mates)
SMOKES: Me and most of my friends. (same as above)
DOES DRUGS: Me and most of my Friends. (more or less everyone I know)
LOST THEIR VIRIGINITY: Me and most of my friends. Actually thats a lie, not me, but some of my friends. (yea me and most of my friends)
WORSHIPS THE DEVIL: Probally (yea I know a few I think)

---Have you---

BROKEN THE LAW: Unlike Rob I have broken the law properly, none of this pirating dvd's and shit. I have been charged with such things as vandalism, assosiation, and such. Nothing serious but I have a small criminal record (I never had a criminal record, never been charged. Sure I did some shitty vandalism crap, but that’s nothing. And pirating is a more serious crime. But yea, still all legal. Except for the whole drug thing)
RAN AWAY FROM HOME: Yep, not for long though (ma)
EVER CHEATED ON A TEST: Oh hell yes. (yea, it happens)
MADE A PRANK PHONE CALL?: I was a 12 year old boy was I not? Yes, yes I was. (not recently)
SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE: Of course (I’m sure I skipped a great portion of my lectures. But I passed, so it’s all good)
PEED IN THE SHOWER/BATH: Not in the bath, because I dont like to swim in my own urine. But in the shower yes. All the time, cause it just washes away. (yea)
FELL ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH: Probally (yea I fell asleep in the shower last week, it was funny. I had a bit of a laugh to myself)
IN CLASS: Shit yes, I sleep in most classes. Most days during science I sleep and Taco puts twink in my hair and I wake up and everyone is laughing at me. But I laugh with them. Then threaten Taco. (It’s hard to not sleep through some lectures. I mean 9am? What the hell time do you call that?)
GONE TO CHURCH: Yep, used to all the time. But I dont go regulary any more. (yea, I’m agnostic)
READ THE BIBLE: Parts of it yes. (I did a bible discussion thing last year, it was interesting)
BEEN IN A FIGHT?: A few (not really, just a few frays)
STAYED HOME ON THE WEEKENDS?: Yep, Im lazy and can't be fucked going out alot. (havn’t been alone on a Saturday night in about 2 years)
BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL: Only when I was born and to visit people. (yea still havn’t been to the hospital)
EVER MET SOMEONE FAMOUS: Met? No. Seen? Yes. (yea)
IN A SCHOOL PLAY: Oh dear god yes (yea I like to act)
WENT SWIMMING IN THE OCEAN: ...many many many times, New Zealand is just an overgrown island (yea, not in ages though)
CRIED IN PUBLIC: The DC airport, what ever its called. I was saying bye to my friends. And Brad cryed as well!!!! (yea, crying is cool kids. I think the last time I cried in public was at some show and Alistair was playing, or did I cry when Alistair played at prize giving? I dunno)
LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER: Several times. (yea, although I don’t know if many people did when I wrote this)

---When/what was the last---

THING YOU PURCHASED: A silver ring with barbed wire on it. it is very kewl. (still wear that ring. Na last thing was burger king. I don’t see my wearing it in 3 years, unless I barf it up and it stains my clothes)
TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED: Well I am watching the bachelor (the news reports on the London bombing, pretty crazy stuff)
MOVIE YOU SAW AT THE THEATER: The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers, with Gingezilla. (Batman Begins with my sister. It was wicked, I loved it)
TIME YOU WERE GROUNDED: Last year sometime. My mum doesnt find out what i get up to so she can't punish me. (oh man a long time ago. I think some time last year, but I got out of it)
WORDS YOU SAID: Fuck (I think that was it?) (night I believe, to my mum. And I doubt the last word I said was fuck)
WORDS YOU TYPED: it, because it was on the line above. What a stupid fucking question. (fuck)
PHONE NUMBER YOU CALLED: Fucked if I know, I dont ring people alot, they ring me. (I have no idea, I think my mums cell)
PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE: Brad (Alistair rang me last night, so him)
THING YOU ATE: Scorced Almonds (burger king)
THING YOU DRANK: Water (coke)
SONG YOU HEARD: Summer wind was always our song by the*Ataris, its playing now. (listening to Underoath - I’m Content With Losing)
PERSON YOU HUGGED: My step sister I think. Maybe not (um, I think James maybe)
YOU GOT A REAL LETTER: Christmass eve, my 6 form results, althought its not really a letter, but it is mail. (oh man, it’s been ages. I think it was the one Jasmine wrote, but it wasn’t sent, it was delivered by Lee)
YOU GOT E-MAIL: Few minutes back (a couple of hours ago I think)
TIME YOU CRIED: Air Port, 3 Jully (a few weeks ago)


INTERESTED IN SOMEONE: Shit alot of people. (not really)
DO YOU LOVE HIM OR HER?: Fuck no. Im in it for the pussy man. (no one to love mate. And I’m really not in it for the pussy anymore. Sure I like sex, but I like romance more)
VIRGINITY EXISTANT: Yep, but not for long hopefully (it took about another 8 months after I wrote that to loose it)
WHO WAS YOUR FIRST CRUSH?: I have no idea, probally one of my sisters friends. (yea probably)
BEEN HURT?: Na, I tend to stay away from relationships, random hookups is my thing. (yea, it happens, and I’ve never been a random hook-ups person, I would of, but no one wanted to lol)
YOUR GREATEST REGRET: Not fucking Britney. Man I could have gotten so much sex. (lol, yea that is a kick in the balls. But I dunno what my greatest regret is ay)
WHAT WOULD YOUR DREAM DATE BE LIKE?: Probally going somewhere nice to dinner, then getting changed and going to see The*Ataris live then ending it with a walk on the beach. (still me nice, but I prefer ending it with lying on the roof of the car staring at the stars with them)
HAD/HAVE AN ONLINE RELATIONSHIP: Shit no, Im not that sad!!!! Ay Rob. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (lol, yea and he did it again. But then he moved back to the bay, so it was all ok)
HAVE YOU EVER SAID "I LOVE YOU" AND MEANT IT?: Nope, I never mean it. Unless you mean the love you have for your family or vanilla coke or poon tang. (love for poon tang? Jesus Christ. Yea I’m all about the platonic love, I’ve never loved someone romantically though, not yet at least. One day)
CHEATED ON SOMEONE: Nope, but I probally would givin the chance. Just to say that I have. But only if I didn't like the person I was dating. (oh man, how that has changed. I’m Mr Anti Infidelity now, can’t stand it)

---Your thoughts on---

ABORTION: I don't see the problem with it. (yea more or less, I can see both sides, but it’s about the baby’s future, if you think you can provide for it and give it love, well it’s the parents decision anyway)
TEENAGE SMOKING: I do smoke. And I am a teenager. So I am against it naturally!!!! Jack ass. (um yea)
EATING DISORDERS: Not good at all. (yea still bad, always will be. That’s why it’s a disorder. Disorders are bad, generally)
RAP: My thoughts on rap? It is ok, but I don't do it yo. (yea)
MASTURBATION: its like, if God could take the form of anything, it would be a hand, a hand designed just for the purpose of masterbation. If you know what I mean. (I still enjoy the company of myself)
PMS: Everymonth woman sumon the devil for a few days. Hence PMS. (it’s natural, but some girls can get really touchy, you just have to watch yourself, and never ask if it’s that time of the month, oh jesus. Because if it isn’t, they get offended. But if it is, then you’re fucken dead)
DREAMS: Fucked up, yet cool. (I’m a huge fan of the dreams I have during my afternoon naps)
TRUE LOVE: Im all for it (It’s what I’m always looking for)
SPICE GIRLS: Well I think capitalism is evil, so I do not like them. Although one of my mates got me there first tape. I don't know why. (they’re fine, their music isn’t really for me, but they make people happy and they don’t hurt anyone. Plus they don’t exist anymore)
RAPE: Regular rape is very bad. Broom rape is even worse. (hmmm, yea. Rape isn’t funny. Unless your raping a clown)
SUICIDE: Extremely selfish (still agree with that, even after all the stuff that has happened)
SELF-MUTILATION: Fucking stupid. Unless tattos and peircings are self-mutilation, then its cool. (still agree with that, even after all the stuff that has happened)


[ Current Clothes ] blue boardies, black london shirt, blue star necklace. (golf punk jeans, bleeders shirt, grey camo volcom hoodie, black socks, brown woven checked vans and my wasted pyramid stud belt)
[ Current Mood ] Ok. Although a shit would be good. (just had one. And no, I havn’t been holding it in all that time)
[ Current Music ] I.O.U One Galaxy, The*Ataris (Atreyu - You Eclipsed By Me)
[ Current Taste ] Almonds (yucky saliva)
[ Current Hair ] Normal. Unless you meaning pubic hair. Then Mo Hawk. (right, yea just normal)
[ Current Annoyance ] My back tooth. Its hurting. (my epic cough, and my skin is shocking, and my running nose. I’m a bit of a blow out at the moment)
[ Current Smell ] Air. (nothing)
[ Current Desktop Picture ] The*Atairs. Yea you can probally tell by now I like them alot. Hetrosexually speaking. (It’s a picture of me playing guitar when I was 17)
[ Current Book you're reading] Max& Murry. About these stoner guys. Its weird. (Trainspotting, even if I am reading it very slowly)
[ Current CD in CD Player] Theres 5 of them in there. The*Ataris "end is forever", fat whreck cords "survival of the fattest", frenzal rhomb "shut your mouth" fat whreck chords "short songs for short people" and avril lavinge "let go" (I dunno, it’s all the way in Dunedin, and I don’t know what I left in it)
[ Current DVD in player] I dont have one, sigh. (I don’t think anything is in it, we don’t own any dvds. I\ve lost my punk’o’rama dvd)
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] I don't do nail polish. Only on Tuesdays.....(I do finger nail polish. But yea, toes have nothing on them. Clean as a whistle)
[ Current Refreshment ] Nothing, but on that note I might go get me some VC. (I could do with some water)
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