personality quiz

Jun 08, 2005 17:49

alright so i just finished working on this personality essay outline for psych..and pretty much a few weeks ago we have been taking quizzes and seeing like what our personality is like and just learning new things about ourselves...and so i took this quiz a few weeks ago and i got some of these results which are totally me...

1. appear to be anti-social sometimes...haha yes sometimes i like to be alone
2. enjoys being a leader
3.prefers making money without having to do physical work for it
5. weigh in all the factors that must be taken into consideratin in any decision making progress..haha this is soo me! im not that spontaneous giving and recieving gifts, they choose gifts for other with thoughtfulness and care. ...haha who doesnt love recieving gifts?
7.hates asking for money- ha my friends know this. i hate to do it.
8.dont like to draw attention to themselves... i dont need to be and dont care to be center of attention
9.good listeners. ha SO TRUE. my brother will always ask me what i think about something and i wont say anything and hes like all you do is listen. haha its not a bad thing!
10.responsible and careful with their money! yup!
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