Oct 16, 2006 02:11
haven't used this shit to vent in quite some time. therefore, i think i will nowww!.
people. are. shit. so caught up in their hypocrisy and too blind to even see it. actually, they know straight up what theyre doing, so i can't understand why be pretentious about it and act like they care? peace is like at an unreachable point for me right now. whatever, im not being melodramatic about it or anything and its not over meaningless bullshit like 'oh, i want this guy to like me' or 'waa waa people talk shit about me.' i wish i could scream everything i want in some peoples faces but due to the circumstances i must bite my tongue! and damn does it hurt!!! lol, to keep my big mouth shut when naturally its not supposed to be. people, so selfish and thoughtless. do they ever analyze their actions and what the repercussions are? im not being selfrighteous at all because i know i do the same and not always think things thoroughly but not to that extent. sickkkk and freakin tireddd of stupid, careless, wreckless, selfdestructive, bla bla bla morons who are always getting in the way of my freakin' life and those who surround me. apparently my life's purpose is to suffer because of what others cause. so much to look forward to, but i recognize that it could be worse. i just hope it doesnt get any worse. screw everyone who screws up other peoples lives because one day they will get theirs and regret all the horrific things theyve done and be remorseful and itll probably be too effing late.