Apr 19, 2005 15:49
i wonder what the new pope is going to be like...will he be an inspiration for the billions of catholics like the last pope? hmm...i guess we will have to wait and see. i wish i could go to italy and experience a mass there or i wish i could've in the past. i think it wouldve been quite an amazing experience.
Altering the subject, everything/everyone is irritating me like a burning,itching rash. i swear, i must have bipolar/maniac depressive disorder hence my rapid mood swings. oh yeah, my basic training taebo videos came in in case you were wondering! if anyone has tried it out or knows someone who has and has had results, inform me puh-lease. heeeck yes big baby!billy blanks is my new b.f. fa' life. you're supposed to see results in like 7 days and that bitch better do some wonderous things w/ my beer/burger belly gut that hangs over my pants as if i were expecting quints. maybe i should cut back on the big macs and whoppers and budlights when i start. :) :) :)