Why you should care

Jul 09, 2012 21:27

We’ve all seen stories on the news of scandals involving pastors and church leaders. It’s easy to shake our heads and wonder how they could fail so miserably, but consider this:
Research shows that 70% of pastors do not have a close friend, confidant, or mentor, while 80% of pastors and 84% of their spouses feel unqualified and discouraged in their role as pastors. Is it any wonder, then, that 1,500 pastors leave the ministry each month due to moral failure, spiritual burnout or contention in their churches?*
Have you ever stopped to think about how this problem affects you? Even those of you who don’t attend religious services realize that we are spiritual beings in need of a spiritual connection, and understand the positive impact churches have on their communities. Most of us have taken our children to vacation bible school, received comfort from a pastor at a funeral, or had a pastor bless us at our wedding.
What happens when those who lead us in these areas are hurting and broken? They limp along until they no longer can-until their families are destroyed and the church closes its doors, leaving communities without help and without hope.
In the situation of a plane crash, the prevailing wisdom is for the parent to take oxygen first, and then give the child oxygen. The reasoning is that if the parent collapses, the child will have no one to take care of them. It goes against our instincts because everything within us wants to save our children first. Isn’t that the perfect picture of pastors? They have a heart to care for their communities, but often they are so busy caring for others that they neglect themselves and collapse. If you could give them oxygen, wouldn’t you do so?
I am nominating Barnabas House of Oklahoma, Inc. because their passion is to step in and help pastors before discouragement destroys their ministries, their lives and the communities around them. Barnabas House dreams of a retreat to provide these precious people a place to be restored, refreshed and renewed.
I can’t wait for you to meet the founders! I have known Doug and Lisa Taylor for over fifteen years. You will find them to be authentic people with a genuine care for others. They endeavor to be healthy and whole and they encourage others to pursue that as well. Lisa comes from a family of multi-generational pastors and understands the pressures they face.
Barnabas House has made great strides in making their dream a reality. They have faced many obstacles, but their driving passion remains to help pastors-a group of people that rarely ask for or receive help.
Thank you for considering Barnabas House Oklahoma Inc. for the Blank Canvas Tour.
*Statistics provided by The Fuller Institute, George Barna, and Pastoral Care Inc."

Lynette Sharp is a freelance writer who lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her family. She writes on a wide range of topics but the prevailing theme is human connection. She is a motorcycle enthusiast and is extremely serious about having fun. You can contact Lynette at marshall_lynette@verizon.net.
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