Loki Bayyyy-beeeee!

Feb 16, 2007 20:47

Since lots of people (Ryan, rivendellrose, winnett) are posting cat pictures, it inspired me to get in gear and post some I've been meaning to put up for a while.

I realize Halloween was months ago, but apparently Loki does not.  He is always pretending to be something he isn't.  Abundant photographic evidence follows:


An Angry Christmas Present

A Paper That I Need To File

(Side note here:  he's now twice that size.  Which I feel like is the size Mirage was when she was a year old, and Loki is only 5 and a half months.  I think he is going to be huge.  Hopefully big enough to ride around the house!!  Speaking of huge, Mirage got ginormous after last summer.  She's like a furry whale with legs.)

A Drowned Rat

An Evil And/Or Possessed Plumber

A Printer Quality Control Officer

A Snow Leopard

At least he keeps me entertained!  And since I finally got Picasa (as suggested by sigma7 and as awesome as all other Google things), you can see a good progression of his life so far in his very own album.

(PS: Is it gross if I kiss him on the mouth?  Because I do.  Yeah ok it's gross.  Hehehehe.)

mirage, picspam, cats, linkspam, loki

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