Name: Nicole
Age: 20 later this month ;)
Birthday: July 21, 1987
Location: Colorado
Interests: Art, internet, music, reading, writing
Favorite Breed of Horse: Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, Andalusians, Friesians
Style of Riding: Western
Favorite Riding Event: Barrel Racing
Name: Triple Cocoa Bar ("Cocoa")
Age: 12 as of the 8th of June
Height: 14.1 hh
Breed: American Quarter Horse
Markings: None, solid bay
Events Used in: None, yet
Strongest Event: ?
Weakest Event: ?
Pictures (if any): I've got tons but I need to get some more recent, decent ones. XD
Okay, so hey, I'm Nicole, I'm 20 and have spent less than 10 hours in the saddle throughout my life so far.
However, that's about to change. xD My grandfather gave me Cocoa about a month and a half ago, and though she's twelve and has never been ridden, she's doing wonderfully with me and my trainer so far. Right now (and for the last two or three weeks) I've been ground driving her, and my trainer says it won't be long before I start riding her. In the meantime, my mom and I are taking riding lessons together. So hopefully before long, I'll be posting pics here of me in the saddle, and hopefully I won't screw anything up too much ;)
Thanks for having me!
~Nicole <3