Happy Hannukah to all those celebrating from sundown tonight to sundown next Saturday! I'm starting later at the Bar tonight so that I can go to my family's Hannukah party this evening. I'm headed over to my cousin Rebecca and her husband Paul's apartment in a little while to help them get ready. She's not, like, incapacitated pregnant, but she's pregnant enough - and has had enough
little minor scares - that we'll feel more comfortable with her just sitting and watching Paul and me set things up, prep the latkes batter, eat all the jelly donuts before anybody else gets there...
I got a Hannukah card from
Warren in yesterday's mail. He had to have sent it post-breakup. It's thoughtful, but a little odd.
belly-button ring itches!! I'm doing all the stuff I'm supposed to do, but
Molly tells me that this is normal for a while.
Nothing earth-shattering has happened at the Bar this week since all the
big changes were announced on Monday. Sometimes life is just boring that way. Sometimes that's a good thing.