Jun 20, 2004 14:13
i'm leaving town again wednesday afternoon for lafayette to visit ULL with my brother joe for his orientation. in preparation for a 3 hour car ride there and back (total of 6 hr) i've decided to encode some movies and tv shows for my viewing pleasure, to watch on my archos. So far i've decided on putting on all 9 seasons of Seinfeld and maybe 20 episodes of Friends which i have recently stated wtching due to lack of content to watch. Friends is an "OKAY" show, the biggest problem with it is the three girls, phobee, rachel, and ross. OK, ross is sorta funny (and girly) but monica isn't even that. The three girls is what ruin the show, the things they do are just horribly and painfully unfunny, i hate them. I'm only on season 3 so hopefully they'll all get killed off in a later season by an avelanche or a freak cancer epidemic or maybe they'll just get aids and die slowly. One of the things i dislike about friends is the constant romance between the friends, this also ruins the show. I'm talking about ross and rachel and blah blah everyhting else. Thats what makes Seinfeld so great, jerry and elain never dated during the whole 9 seasons, oh and it's much funnier. so yeah i think im done, i started this planning on only writing at most 5 sentences and ended up writing all that, ah well.