Date of last work unit 2005-07-30 02:07:23 Active CPUs within 50 days 14 Team Id 43410 Grand Score 53024 (
certificate) Work Unit Count 224 (
certificate) Team Ranking (incl. aggregate) 2305 of 39299 Home Page
Team members Rank
(within team) User Score WU 1
PastorGJK 22832 91 2
BarlowBrad 19449 88 3
repus33 6543 23 4
Rebelnote 2777 12 5
ALEX!!! 756 4 6
crzy4jesus 666 6 It is now later and thus I write the commentary.
Rank Change: +123
Score Change: +4425
This week's 24 Hr Average: 632
Projected days to reach Top 2000: 14 (~August 14)
The team took a pretty hit by not having the mine and my dad's computers on most of last week due to vacationing at Spirit West Coast. This also caused me to bump back my estimation for reaching the Top 2000 back a few days, and to re-evaluate it at a team average of 750 points per 24 period (opposed to 800 points that I did before). The score is also a bit lower because my computer finished a 600 point WU about 2 hours into the next week, so hopefully that bumps the average back up. The top producer this week was actually Matt (FL) with 1506 points, so congrats and thanks go out to him.