Date of last work unit 2005-07-01 17:04:54 Active CPUs within 50 days 12 Team Id 43410 Grand Score 29782 (
certificate) Work Unit Count 132 (
certificate) Team Ranking (incl. aggregate) 3138 of 38884 Home Page
Team members Rank
(within team) User Score WU 1
PastorGJK 15219 63 2
BarlowBrad 12832 56 3
repus33 703 6 4
crzy4jesus 470 4 5
Rebelnote 421 2 6
ALEX!!! 136 1 I'd also like to welcome Matt (Rebelnote, AZ) and Alex (crzy4jesus and ALEX!!!) to the fold! (Sorry... bad pun... *shame*) With adding them to our numbers we have a total of 5 people and 11 processors! We're in the top 8% of all teams and closing in on the goal of reaching the top 2000 Folding teams. Once we reach the top 2000 there is a
better site to track our team stats on, but they only track for the top 2000 teams. If we can get a few more people to join the team then we can probably even start getting our individual stats tracked (if we make top 800) too!
Many thanks to all, and for those of you reading who haven't joined... we want YOU to help too!