Nov 15, 2004 16:44
First best friend: Chad Michael Murray..ok, so maybe he wasnt my best friend..ok i dont even know him..but still *sigh* :-D
First real memory of something: i got my first chad michael murray poster & like OMG!!
First Job: i was a slave for the former USSR..those were the days
First screen name:
First self purchased album: "now thats what i call music vol. 8"
First funeral: i dont believe in funerals
First pet: my lovable & OHHHH so cuddly hippopotamus Beavus
First piercing/tattoo: well..lets just say, i bet you dont have one here..
First credit card: i cant remember..but im on like my 17th now cause they say i'm "over-spending"..LOSERS!!!
First true love: macaroni
First enemy: my invisible friend SAM I AM..well, it all started when i found out that he was actually a she..then things just got worse from there..IF YOU READ THIS SAM I AM, I MISS YOU & I HOPE ALL OF YOUR "PROBLEMS" HAVE BEEN CORRECTED!! holla back youngin..
First concert: METALLICA BABY!!! yeah!! its like mullet heaven there :-D
Last big car ride: i prefer if you would call them by their maiden to answer your question, my last big AUTOMOBILE ride was 28years ago
Last good cry: since when has crying been good people??
Last library book: "where is waldo?"
Last movie seen: monty python and the holy grail <<< classic
Last beverage drank: crunk juice..YYEAAAHHHH!!!!
Last food consumed: a nice, big, juicy steak!! yumm yumm
Last crush: James..*sigh* he's so dreamy!!
Last phone call: i dont use the phone, i'm old school..smoke signals all the way!!
Last TV show watched: sportscenter, shortly followed by a few of the worlds greatest games of football, washed down w/ a large swig of scary movies
Last time showered: HA!! you actually expect me to remember this!?!?!?!? good luck w/ that one
Last shoes worn: i dont believe in shoes
Last cd played: i dont listen to my cd's, i throw them like frisbee's...
Last ice cream eaten: mustard flavored
Last shirt worn: i dont believe in shirts
-- Name: Jamie "i wish Lynn" Spears
-- Birth date: 7/30/87
-- Current Location: Wildwood, Florida (the center of nowheresville)
-- Hair Color: bright pink w/ a neon green strip down the back
-- Height: 5'somethingish
-- Weight: its rude to ask a girl her weight!!
-- Righty or Lefty: ambidexturous.. idk how to spell it cause i dont pay attention in school
-- Your heritage: im pretty much a mut..a HOT mut if i do say so myself
-- The shoes you wore today: SHOES ARE THE DEVIL!!!
-- Your weakness: getting beaten w/ a stick usually brings me to my knees
-- Your perfect pizza: EVERYTHING on it except cheese, sauce, crust, and anything else i said i liked a changed person!!
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: become filthy rich using any means necessary, then fly to the moon on my bicycle, return to earth & free the people from the evil grasp of the mutated bunnies that took over, find out that i am the the heir to the ancient mayan throne, only to realize that they dont have an empire anymore, so i give up & move back to orlando florida to go to DISNEY WORLD!!!!
-- Your most over used phrase on MSN/AIM: sexilicious
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Ah man, i thought i stopped doing that when i was 5 years old!!!!!
-- Your best physical feature: i think you mean feature"s" ;-D ;-D
-- Your bedtime: please refer to the second preceding question/answer
-- Adidas or Nike: bare feet
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: publix ice tea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: caramel
-- Smoke: the peace pipe
-- Cuss:-aholic
-- Sing: and britney are going to get together & revive the spears empire..ALL HAIL THE SPEARS!!!!!!!!
-- Take a shower everyday: haha you almost got me to say yes!! good try..
-- Do you think you've been in love: i've been in many things..but um..*runs away*
-- Want to go to college: only if its the University of Florida (my FAVE.!!)
Layer Six:
-- Liked high school: of course, because i have like the coolest school ever!! i mean seriously, does anyone else have a teacher that acts like a llama? thats what i thought..
-- Want to get married: yes..21 going for the record, wish me luck..
-- Believe in yourself: (blonde moment) i'm like the most believable person ever!!
-- Get motion sickness: i dont get it?..good..
-- Think you're attractive: I'M DEAD SEXY!!! *sizzle sizzle*
-- Think you're a health freak: ARE YOU CALLING ME A FREAK BUDDY!?!?!?!?! BRING IT ON!!!! ::pounds chest like king kong::
-- Get along with your parent(s): me + parents = ????
-- Like thunderstorms: nope..thunder scares me..and so do storms..and if you like them then you are just SILLY!!!
-- Play an instrument: >>>professional triangle player right here<<<
LAYER SIX: In the 6 past months...
-- Drank alcohol: only on days that end in -y-
-- Smoked: i like Mary Jane
-- Done a drug: sorry, not my type..
-- Had Sex: you people like to know the kinky stuff, dont you!?!?!?
-- Made Out: no..but i'm pretty good at tonsil hockey
-- Gone on a date: many times..just dont tell my b/f that i'm looking for replacements, i've already got an entire line up ready to go :-D
-- Gone to the mall: been there, done that, got the receipts to prove it
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: i'm the world record holder in this category..FOUR years and counting..
-- Eaten sushi: its only like my favorite food besides oreos..
-- Been on stage: yep yep, and i've fallen off of it too
-- Been dumped: me..get dumped?...what do you think? i mean, who would dump this!?!? MMHMM!! point proven
-- Gone skating: yes, but i like to call it "falling" because thats what i basically did the entire time
-- Made homemade cookies: ALL THE TIME!!! but then i retired..but then i came back out of retirement for James :-D *sighs*
-- Gone skinny dipping: again w/ the
-- Dyed your hair: (blonde moment) no, my hair is still alive
-- Stolen anything: oh yea..on the streets they call me Ms. Debo..HOLLA!!
LAYER SEVEN: Have you ever:
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: what is wrong w/ you people!?!?! sounds like someone has an obsession w/ you know what..
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: CRUNK!! OKAAAYYY!!!
-- Been caught "doing something": i am very very sneaky
-- Been called a tease: i dont have to tease
-- Shop Lifted: (blonde moment) im too weak..but i would if i could
-- Changed who you were to fit in: (blonde moment) nah, i usually can fit into the clothes w/ no problem
-- Age you hope to be married: A.S.A.P. so that i can get started on my record goal
-- Numbers and Names of Children: do i really have to name all 43 of them???
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: im thinking..Las Vegas..on a mid-summers night..w/ Elvis as the priest..and an Oompa-loompa playing the batman theme song on a keyboard..THATS a girls dream wedding (hint hint boys)
-- Where you want to go to college: gosh you people have the shortest memory spand ever..
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: ^^^please refer to "goal you'd like to achieve"..thank you
-- What country would you most like to visit: Turkey (only around thanksgiving tho) then off to Chili for a nice hot bowl guessed it..chili (w/out beans of course)..oh and i cant forget Switzerland for their ohhh so pefect CHOC-O-LATE
In a boy... or girl:
-- Best eye color?: i'm going to go w/..Chad Michael Murray
-- Best hair color?: give me a B..B!!..give me an L..L!!!..give me an O..O!!!!..give me a N..N!!..give me a D..D!! give me an E..E!! and what does that spell..CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY!!! *high girl shriek*
-- Short or long hair? chad michael murray
-- Height: chad michael murray
-- Best weight: chad michael murray
-- Best articles of clothing: gotta be the socks..on chad michael murray..
-- # of people I could trust with my life: 378923492347230480347..give or take a few..
-- # of CDs that I own: i would know a def. # if i were to ever clean under my bed
-- # of piercings: lost count once it hit triple digits..
-- # of tattoos: one..of chad michael murray..
-- # of scars on my body: one..of a johnny depp tatoo..<