Jun 09, 2013 16:44

oh hai!

I don't know what brought me here, to think of browsing this old place - a little to do with friends on facebook, and thinking how I know them. There are people I am "friends" with on facebook, to think that I've met from here, and then to realise that some I've even kept longer over people I've actually met in real life. I suppose some of those people are really interesting, and I feel like we've grown up together. Some of these people are now married and even with kids now, and to think I met them here.... i'ts all pretty cool.

It's a funny old world that we live in these days. I found an old phone of mine today - we're packing for a house move, sigh - and its' really honestly not that old but seems completely ancient to me now. 3 years it's huge in technology age. I can't even fathom using it - i mean, hello, how do I facebook? Play Candy Crush Saga? (which by the way, I'm stuck on fucking level 208 for weeeeeeks. URGH)

Anywhos... a little background update. It's been a massive year so far already. In January, Pete and I got engaged! HURRAYYYY! I'm so happy. We're so happy. Dawww love and gush. We also sold his house, and have bought a new house together. We move in about 2 weeks. I LOVE IT. It's super awesome and perfect. I can't wait to be there. Then, I'm also trying to plan the wedding which is going to be in October, holy cow there is SO much to do. But, there's an app for that, dont' worry, so I'm just ticking off the boxes methodically. How did people do anything before smart phones. Write lists? Write things down? Ask PEOPLE? Pfft, pens and paper? what's that!

It was also my birthday last weekend. I was spoiled rotten cuz Pete is awesome. Love.

This weekend is the Queen's Birthday Long weekend. Those of you that know me from way back know that this is the ski season opening weekend. I haven't been in YEARS but somehow I regress and pretend like I'm 20-something again, and whine about how I'm not there partying... missing out on all the fun... wahhh.... when in reality, I"ve been in my PJs all day long, am slow cooking a dinner meal for tonight and really looking forward to the action Blu-ray we rented.. Drinking? I do that at home, by the bottle, after work on a Friday night. It's cheaper that way, and I can be in bed by midnight. This is because I fear that I shall turn into a pumpkin!! No. I just get tired and I'm a pretty massive tightarse. Also, I can't wear heels anymore, they hurt and I'm old. Grump.

I love instatram and spotify. I'm connecting with my inner Gen-Y'er.. kind of. But then again, they were popular a few months ago and I'm probably already behind. Damnit.

So that's all for now. Nice to brain dump. Catchya soon! or not?

birthday, pete, brisbane, snow, 2013, love, update

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