I'm due for an update!

Oct 08, 2009 12:50

Hey all... I know, I've been a bad bad LJ poster lately! There hasn't been all too much to update on lately since I'm avoiding doing anything that involves spending money, with the exception of driving to work and the gym and getting groceries.

Skye started her new job this week = money for rent = a happier and less poor me! Good, cuz I need to pay for stuffs!

Gym is going really well. I've added Flys and Upright Rows to my PSFG regime and that's already making quite an impact in my appearance. Yay! My arms are finally becoming more shaped and more attractive, and overall I think my body shape is becoming leaner/toned in the arms and legs finally. Which is great since Summer is coming and I am going to be wearing more skirts this year. I've always been a pants-girl, and always opted for shorts over skirts... but the times are a-changing, and I'm tuning more into my feminine side, realising that hey I can rock these legs cuz apparently they aren't half bad (so I'm told!) haha...

So that means I bought this this from Freez yesterday - haha skanky!

I also got another dress from my trip to Birkenhead Point earlier in the week which is simple black to above the knee, with wooden beads around the neckline to make a halter. It's simple but really lovely - and I'm wearing it on my "date night" with Peter when I go up to QLD in........ 13 sleeps. Haha YAY!

Yep, 13 more sleeps til I get to see petey pants. I'm pretty excited - I still can't get over how I get him for 6 whole frickin days. And the beach. And (hopefully) warm weather!! I can't wait :)

It's been freezing and awful here in Sydney the last couple of weeks. Rainy and cold and blah. The last few days, and the next coming few, it won't get above 18C. Whaaaat? That's Sydney's version of Winter weather! What a crock. Just a few weeks ago it was lovely and blazing sunny and 30C and above! I loved it. I finished my latest book sitting out on my balcony in my bikini every other day - it's my ultimate relaxer. Sun, book, and tanning. Nothing like it! But now it's been about 1 hour of blue sky per day followed by overcast and then thunderstorms, or at the very least raining, every single day. I'm a bit over it!!

Zwilling is doing well. I'm about $6 from breaking even. haha :) The free shipping weekened deal was a bit of a hit in the pocket for me, but worth it cuz I sold to a few new people who saw me via Twitter. That's always nice! I'm a bit worried about my supplies since they are minimizing Winter stock (ie yarns and wools) instore for Christmas!! Gahh... so that's a bit of a shite really. I'm constantly on the prowl for a good deal. Bit annoying since it's always Winter somewhere, but hey what can ya do.. not much.. just rolling with it. We'll see how it goes.

Buy Handmade

I put up another 6 more beanies today and hopefully they'll get a good response too. I am loving them, I think they look awesome!

zwilling, gym, shopping, pete, qld, weekend, weather

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