(no subject)

Apr 15, 2009 16:02

I don't know if I've mentioned them here before, but I hate my upstairs neighbours. The 8am whistling, the stomping around, the loud and random knocking and banging at all hours of the day and night, the clankering of various pots and pans which shoudln't really be that loud anyway... they have been doing my head in since I moved into my apartment late last year.

I've infact learned the song he whistles to his birds every morning.. it's the kind of uninvited wake-up buzzer that I get anytime between 7:20 am or 9am on most mornings. As a lady of leisure, I don't appreciate being woken up by anything other than myself naturally. It basically drives me crazy, where it's finally lead me to whistle loudly and rudely in reply out the window to give them a taste of their own medicine, or just blurting out "SHUT UP!" from my balcony (and running away very quickly afterwards). It does my head in!! Shut up!!

Today my intercom/doorbell rang. It was them. A billion things ran through my head - like they were here to confront me about my passive aggressive behaviour, or who knows what talking too loud on the phone? I didn't know.. i freaked for a moment.. why were they ringing the intercom? What on earth did they want to talk to me about??
Until he explained he was actually locked out of his apartment and asked if he could come in and try and climb up to his apartment from the outside balcony... damn!

So, he was quite nice afterall. His name is Jin (YES HE LOOKS LIKE THE GUY FROM LOST TOO) and he's also the owner/occupier of his apartment with his wife. He was surprised to learn I was the owner of this apartment too now, since it seems there used to be some asians living down here before me. I dunno.... anyway... with a piece of rope to use as a foot hold, and some nimble brickwall climbing, he scaled the outside of our apartment building and into his balcony. Needless to say I was impressed.

I won't let this win me over, I'm pretty sure they're still annoying >:(

home life

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