So, I'm going to update backwards, and start by tonight right now while my face still hurts - no, don't worry, it's a good thing. Thanks to some blind sheer luck, I was able to get a ticket to Bill Bailey tonight!!! Thankyou
dominitus!!!! What a great show, oh my god... I dont' think I've laughed for 2 hours straight like that in a very very long time. His entire show was completely down my alley with humour, music and wit. I absolutely loved it and am SOOO glad I ended up taking the ticket. :D
Secondly, it was awesome to meet Luke (finally!) and a couple other LJ-ers that I see around the place on my flist. Always great to put a face to a username of course. Bit of a shame I was so wrecked from the weekend and I have work at crack o' dawn tomorrow morning otherwise I would have loved to have had the opportunity to hang out tonight.
Bottom line is that it was a great way to spend a Saturday night. I really want to buy Bill Bailey's DVDs now.. he's completely mental, yet oddly crafted and put-together. My face literally hurt from laughing so much. He's a genius - and what an accomplished musician, I was in complete awe. Anyway.. heh
And then this is where I would launch into a recap about Buller but I'm pretty much exhausted right now. So, I will do so tomorrow after work instead.. complete with some pictures too.. heheh Disco night baybe!