One item sold, still the other two to go

Aug 26, 2008 17:28

The two jackets didn't sell. Again. I think ti's about the 3rd time I've listed the Small jacket.. each time lowering the price. I can't go any lower because it's just about at cost price now... and even then, with all the fees involved we're probably not going to make anything off this sale if it ever sells. Urgh. The large one I can bring down the price a bit.. we'll see how ti goes.

So, the Option snowboard sold this afternoon! I found a courier company where I can set it all up online... so just waiting for the buyer to respond to the end of the sale tonight hopefully, and make payment and I can ship that baby off. I'll be so sad to see it go... I really loved that board - it's so pretty.. and really worth so much more. I should've sold it in 2006 when I could've gotten double for it. Ah well... I bought it all the way back in 2005, and SOOOOO cheap (part of a package for US$400 - that board used to RRP$1000+). So because it's been so long it's all pocket money anyway from that. Well, pay off the credit card money anyway.

Lousy jackets.


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