Survivor Season 1 DVDs

Jun 28, 2008 12:35

 Ohh! I forgot to mention... My prezzie from Kim for my birthday, the Season 1 of Survivor discs, work on the lounge room DVD player!! Yay. I've been trying to watch episodes when nobody is else is home haha firstly to not hog to main TV in the house, and secondly to avoid ridicule :P

It's so funny, and sooo interesting to see how it all started. I'm not even sure if I watched the first season when it aired in 2000. If I did, I surely don't remember it, so it's like I'm watching it all again for the first time! The only downside is that the DVD sleeves show who was voted off on each episode, and knowing I'm a sucker for spoilers, I have to read them each time. (except, of course, we all know who wins the first season already)

It's been really cool watching how the show very quickly evolves, making it even episode-by-episode better.. small things like the phrasing of certain terms and speeches - particularly at Tribal Council, Jeff learns to smooth out the "the spiel" - and even the games and challenges progress into being more interesting. They were SO basic in the first couple of episodes! Tribal council itself looks so tacky in comparison to today's episodes. Oh, and the first use of the word "alliance" by Richard Hatch! Even Jeff chatting - a little too much, too often - to the contestants before challenges... they had yet to figure out the balance of Jeff as a host or as a friend/confidant. Apparently he was the last to be secured on the cast, even after all the contestants, so he was figuring out the show as it went along... even more than the players! They still haven't really conquered the way the music works to the challenges, where in the early episodes it seems rather anticlimatic when a team wins.. Jeff doesn't yet call out the winner as it occurs either, and there's no splash of music to coincide with it. 
The characters are great though, and it's interesting to see them interact in a show that's really at the frontier of it all. They got SO much stuff.. food.. supplies... haha the poor guys that do it now work so much harder for it all. You see Jeff get to be more comfortable in his role as the eps move along too. His speeches get more prepared and he doesnt' seem so awkward talking all the time. Although after the first "alliance" was uttered, soon after in a tribal council, Jeff almost outs them all unknowingly... not aware that they are secret alliances and it is working against them by trying to talk about it! Hatch nearly kills him - with his eyes... and diverts the conversation very very quickly. haha clever.
I watched the first episode twice, the 2nd time with the commentary... which was Jeff, Richard Hatch, Rudy and Gervaise. That was really cool.. the last episode will again have their commentary, so I look forward to it. They recorded the commentary only about 4 or 5 years after it aired.. and it's been 3 or 4 years since that! So it's pretty cool to say the least.

There was more, but I've been distracted at work now, and can't remember where else I was going with this review. heh...

Alright, see you on the other side of the weekend. Out! :)

survivor, review

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