Old friends in town

May 22, 2008 16:58

Rachel was in Melbourne today! I know her from the old marching band days, and even though we had a little falling out a few years ago we were best of friends before that. We've caught up once or twice since then, the past is the past, and I got a message last night that she was in town for a funeral and had today free before flying back to Sydney... so, I had today off, and after not being able to find anything worthwhile on sale at the snowboarding shops (probably a good thing, right?), the city was on my way home and hung out for an hour or so. She was in town with her boyfriend and a couple of other friends who also went to the funeral.

I totally couldn't find them when I got into town... sent me on a wild goose chase when the whole time they were actually only 1 block away from where I parked my car *Grrrr* I walked all the way to the other side of town for no reason! 30 mins of brisk walking probably did my fat ass some good though since I haven't been to the gym in forever. We did some shopping after I eventually found them - in a place I'd infact been to twice this year. ARgh, so stupid. Anyway... was nice to see some old faces! Sounds like they'll be back in July and I'm going to take them out for big drinkies properly :)

So I'm home quickly doing some laundry with a washing machine that ACTUALLY SPINS ... zomg, it's amazing and fantastic. And I'll head over to Kim's place in an hour for some dinner and a catchup - and maybe the movies? We can't decide on anything cuz we're silly. :P


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