Jan 08, 2008 12:00
Grumble moan whine.
So back to the gym I go... went to take a Body Pump class this morning for the first time to get back on the horse, and the instructor didn't turn up. Way to go! So we're sitting around, and after 15 mins just pack everything up and we're all about to leave and one of the other guys comes and takes whoever is left in the room for a class if they want. It wasn't Pump, but it was more like a weights circuit class... not bad, not bad. I've worked on my arms alot this week, they're feeling it too. Then I did a bit on the x-trainer.. meh day..
I had been doing my detox diet also just before the new year. I stuck to about 85% of the diet. Did quite well, except that new years blew me out because of the drinking... I've also noticed I eat almost like a vegetarian these days. All besides maybe a bit of ham on a sandwich or something, I pretty much eat like a Vege! Not intentionally, just by default. Not all bad, I suppose.
I also bought milk for the first time this year... on the detox it's all rice or soy milk (ie. no dairy). Bleh soy! Rice milk is actually pretty good... it's not bad drizzled on porridge or lite-bix. So this new blast of dairy again is so far feeling ok :P
Home life so far is alright too. My angry phase was passing just a day or so before she came back home... I'm still pretty grounded so far... I'm not buying into the attention-seeking conversation like when talking to something/herself from the other room just loud enough to hear so you are meant to go "everything ok? what's that?", I don't even bother anymore. I get stuck into my book or just walk off into my room... claiming i didn't hear anything. I just shrug and keep to myself for now. It's okay right now while we're working diff shifts, but i will still have to hold out for the weekend...
For some reason I've got in my head that I can't wait to quit my job. I'm even playing it out in my head and it gives me the happy-butterflies in my gut. Ahhhh... I have no idea when I can afford to quit, the earliest would be when I move out of here mid-march. Speaking of which, I sitll have NO IDEA where I'm going to go. If, and most likely, I stay in the area and move into a sharehouse I'll have to stay in my job at the hotel... that kinda bums me out but the money is stable and gets me by alright.
Most of my last paycheck paid off 80% of my creditcard debt. Yay... then a portion into my "Savings" which is getting to a nice tidy sum for holidays later in the year hopefully.
Although I keep tossing back and forth the idea of travelling again and doing another working holiday, it's most likely i'll just take a vacation and move to Sydney and get working with Dad. I dunno... but that's where I'm standing currently on that topic. Except just a matter of two weeks ago during Xmas, I was the other way around - I was pretty set on wanting to apply for my Canadian working visa again. rahhh... I really really really miss it.. i miss everyone too. It is alot of work setting up though. Yeah, I could just take a decent holiday though to get it out of my system, like a couple weeks or something. Just blow it on snowboarding and visiting them... that means I'd have to wait later in the season like at least late December/January for the better snow. Which kinda puts off other plans to go away with PEEL people in October. Argh. And I doubt I could afford both? Maybe i could, but it's alot of dough. I'd like to combine it all into one big effort. Ehhh food for thought.
First hurdle: DECIDE WHERE TO LIVE. I have to move out mid-march at the latest.
work 2008,