Dec 21, 2007 19:47

2007 In The Beginning......

Where did you bring in the New Year?
O'Sullivans Pub in Essendon. I wasn't meant to have a big night or bring home a boy because I had to pack everything - I was flying out the next day with Mariel o'seas. I failed.

Who were you with?
Liv. And various new friends at the bar haha

Did you kiss anyone at midnight?

Did you make any resolutions?
To get fitter/work on my health/lose weight. It's worked... still in progress :)

2007 Your Love Life....

Did you have a valentine?

Did you get anything for Valentine's day?

Did you meet anyone?
Yeah a few people

Did you fall in love?
Nah.. lust, and in-like alot.

Are you still in love?

2007 Friends and Enemies......

Did you meet any new friends this year?
I think so!

Did any of your friendships end?
Just with boys :P

Did you dislike anyone?
Probably but I don't associate with them.

Did you get into any fights?
Yeah, but everything is resolved. Happy days.

Did you make any new enemies?

Did you resolve any fights?
heh I think so?

Who was your closest friend?
To pick one? Liv.

Who did you grow apart from?
I dunno from this year... I had a few last year...

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
I try not to, nup.

--2007 Your BIRTHDAY!!!--
How old did you turn?

Did you have a cake?

What did you do for your birthday?
Cried, because I was on my own. It was a bad birthday.

Did you have a party?

Did you get any presents?
Not really. Parents sent me money (yay!) but Liv finally gave me my b'day present just two days ago.. heh, yeahhhh I know...

If so what was the best thing you got?
Lots of money

--2007.....All about YOU....

Did you change at all this year?
I think so. I'm more patient, more focused & clear, more determined and aware about myself.

Did you dye your hair?
heh every 6 weeks or so.

Did you get your hair cut?
Every 6 weeks or so??

Did you change your style?
Not much, just varied it. It's cool.

Were you in school?
Hella no!

Did you get good grade?
In Russia, grade get you!

Did you have a job?
Yep, same one.

Did you drive?
Just about every day.

Did you own a car?
I still do.

Did you lose anyone this year?

Did anyone close to you give birth?

Did you move at all?
Not this year! Yay!

Did you go on any vacations?
YES. The best one ever in January for 5 weeks... yay!

Did you leave the country at all?
See above re: best vacation ever!

Would you change anything about yourself now?
To keep up the gym to work on these jiggly bits.

2007.....Wrap Up.

Is 2007 a good year?
It went alright...

What would you change about the year?
I wish I wasn't so hopelessly single most of the time!!

Did 2007 bring any new insights?
Taking time to spend on myself.

Do you think 2008 will top 2007?
I'm hoping so.. it's shaping up to be awesome.

Do you have any goals for 2008?
To travel, to be happy, and make a bloody decision about where to live!

survey, random

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