Various updates

Sep 08, 2007 14:17

So work is going back to being shitty. I've had a couple pretty good weeks/months since Alison started. I've gone back to 5 days a week, semi-regular days off, and have gotten my sanity back. It's nice working more evening shifts cuz I actually get a decent amount of sleep again, and I like having time to myself during the day.
Well, that's all short-lived isn't it.

Amanda put in her notice this week. She's the function manager... and one of my friends both in and outside work these days. Work is really going to suffer without her, how am i going to survive, urgh... And, of course, when she gave Simon her notice he behaved only as I expected - actually worse. His immediate response was "Well, the function centre hasn't been doing as well as it had been last year sooo..." What? Implying that she's doing a shit job? Implying you would let her go?? Whatever! AS IF. Those reports don't include Master Bills, where alot of the money is going... idiot.. so, she's pretty annoyed that he said that, and gave a weeks less notice just to piss him off. heh... But yeah, she finishes in 2 weeks. Going to work for Subway (yeap the food place) as a Field Manager. Car, phone, laptop + super. Nice. And, alot closer ot her home etc...
They actually approached her while she was organising their function at our work, asking "Are you happy here?" to which she replied "um, no, not really". The rest is history. I'm going to miss her.

She also tells me that Alison isn't going to stay. Fuckity fuck rah. She just can't stand Simon in any way... crap... and it's not like we have a spare person floating around to stand in and do the extra shifts until we hire someone else (like last time). And, there is no chance I'm working 7 days/week of mornings until further notice. But i'ts all on the hush-hush... nobody really knows about her plans, she hasn't told anyone (only Amanda - who told me, heh, of course). We'll just deal with it when it happens, i guess.

And, today is my day off but I have to go into work to cover a waitress who called in with sick kids for tonight. Great. I'm NOT a waitress, I only do it cuz it's a favour to Amanda. And she gives me booze. Mmmm vodka. This'll be the 3rd time this week I'll be sleeping at work cuz I have to work morning shift tomorrow morning. I also stayed night before last (back-to-back shift), and last Saturday (which most of you know already about, Mm rah!) I've gone back to feeling like I'm living at the bloody place.

I"m looking into work elsewhere also myself... but it really has to pay more than what I earn now. The worst part is I earn more than the rest of them at the moment as it is. And, worse still any job that's at my level at any other hotel pays about $5k-$8k less per annum than where I am now - which isn't cool at all. I was surprised to learn how much I earn a year, it was more than than I expected... but now I want more... I really do NEED more to be able to afford certain things that I want in the upcoming year.
I've decided I will only work one more hospitality job - preferably a supervisor/manager role... making me more appealing to whatever comes next. I need to change careers... I just dunno what I wanna be when I grow up jsut yet. I know what I like.. just what can i do with my experience so far??

And, timing is important. What with buying a house next year and all of that junk... *sigh*... how long can I stay where I am now without losing my mind?? I'll have to guage how I feel without Amanda there... and possibly without Alison there. Man, that place is falling apart....

Anyway, I'm off to check out an Auction now... curious to see how much it actually goes for. Nice little apartment... mhmm...


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