Things I Learned Today

Aug 14, 2015 00:03

The Bundesliga starts tomorrow! The Bundesliga starts tomorrow!!

The is the BEST DAY OF THE SEASON WHERE EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE and lots of people are predicting Dortmund to come in 2nd, but I still have hope in my heart that everything clicks and they go to the top! Everything is still possible today. After this weekend, it might all get shot to hell, but that is then, this is now.


I have truly mastered the art of vidding to make myself happy. I know this because I watched my vid 5 times on the way home from vividcon despite all its flaws. Now I have put Obsessive24's and Anoel's football vids on my laptop when I got home so at least I could have a 9 minute loop of football vid dom.


Not everyone who went to Germany last year enjoyed it. Ciro Immobile, former striker for Dortmund, and Italian, transferred there last year. I remember the one article where he expressed sadness that he didn't have anyone to go to dinner with on the team. and that started the great, "WILL SOMEONE PLEASE INVITE CIRO TO DINNER?"

But it turns out no one invited him to dinner because he was a whiner. And I am very sensitive when it comes to language skills and judging others. But when you earn millions of dollars, and the club sends you a tutor and you cancel them? And you have your wife and kid there with you to give you some sort of human interaction? I am finding it hard to work up sympathy when you give interviews to the newspapers about how you suffered and no one helped you. You always had someone to hold your table at the beer festivals when you went to pee!! What more do you want?!
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