New Vid: Ironman

Aug 14, 2011 03:14

Club Vivid Premiere

Vidders: destina and barkley
Fandom: Iron Man
Artist: The Killers
Song: Human

Are we human, or are we dancer - the oft asked question.

Right Click to Download

vid announcement, vividcon, vidding

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Comments 19

dotfic August 14 2011, 12:56:33 UTC
What a fun vid. Loved the pacing and movement of it. It made me want to dance in my computer chair a little and yet it's a real character study of Tony, too.


barkley September 5 2011, 15:45:05 UTC
Yay, thanks!


eregyrn August 14 2011, 15:02:50 UTC
OMG! I haven't even watched it yet, I just have to express GLEE!!!! I've been wanting someone to use this song for a Club Vivid vid for forever... of course, I had a completely different idea in my head for what sort of subject the vid would have, and never in a million years did the idea of IronMan cross my mind, so... wow, can't wait to see what you guys have done with it! :D :D :D


barkley September 5 2011, 15:45:37 UTC
Well of course it's about Tony. What else was this song ever about? *g*


green_grrl August 14 2011, 15:25:47 UTC
Aw, YAY!!! I love it!


barkley September 5 2011, 15:45:45 UTC


falzalot August 14 2011, 15:43:30 UTC
Yay Tony! So much fun! :->


barkley September 5 2011, 22:42:33 UTC
Yay, thanks!


gottalovev August 14 2011, 17:15:53 UTC
that is FANTASTIC! I really loved it =D


barkley September 5 2011, 22:42:42 UTC
Thanks so much!


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